Teller Report

The PSOE displaces the "fear" to a Government of PP and Vox to try to focus the electoral campaign on the economy

6/10/2023, 11:50:11 PM

Highlights: The electoral blow that the PSOE took two weeks ago in many more municipalities and autonomous communities has led it to introduce adjustments in its strategy for the new appointment with the polls. One of the decisions taken by the leadership of the party has been to move the warning of the "risk" of a PP and Vox Government, which "will not be at the center" of the campaign. The Socialists will now try to focus on the economy to contrast their model of "progress" with the "neoliberal one based on the weakening of the Welfare State"

The electoral blow that the PSOE took two weeks ago in many more municipalities and autonomous communities than those that appeared in their most pessimistic cabals has led it ...

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The electoral blow that the PSOE took two weeks ago in many more municipalities and autonomous communities than those that appeared in its most pessimistic cabals has led it to have to introduce adjustments in its strategy for the new appointment with the polls. One of the decisions taken by the leadership of the party has been to move the warning of the "risk" of a PP and Vox Government, which "will not be at the center" of the campaign, although accompanied by the indication that "you can not stop saying".

The explanation was given this Saturday by Pedro Sánchez himself during the closed-door meeting of the Federal Committee after one of the attendees questioned the convenience of stirring up the "fear of the far right" again. This tactic was already used in the regional elections of Andalusia, in which the popularJuanma Moreno achieved an absolute majority, and in those of Castilla y León, whose scrutiny left the first coalition between the formations of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Santiago Abascal.

The Socialists will now try to focus on the economy to contrast their model of "progress" with the "neoliberal one based on the weakening of the Welfare State and every man for himself" to which, they say, the PP "clings". In fact, the first act of the pre-campaign will be carried out this Monday by the Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, who will present in Ferraz the main lines of the electoral program in this matter.

Even so, Sánchez insisted to his own that the possibility of a government of "right and ultra-right" cannot be "trivialized", so, controlled, but it will continue to be one of the messages that are spread.

  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez

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