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The number of registered voluntary organ donations in China exceeded 626.<> million

6/10/2023, 11:20:22 PM

Highlights: More than 626.45800 million people have registered for organ donation volunteers in China. More than 13,9 cases of organ donation have been completed after the death of citizens. The number of organ donations in China ranks second in the world, but it is far from enough compared to the approximately 30,183 patients who need organ transplantation in China every year. Organ transplantation is known as the "spire" of clinical medicine and the only effective treatment method to save patients with organ failure.

Today is China Organ Donation Day. According to the latest data from the Chinese Organ Donation Management Center, up to now, more than 626.45800 million people have registered for organ donation volunteers in China, and more than 13,9 cases of organ donation have been completed after the death of citizens, more than 10,<> organs have been donated, and the lives of more than <>,<> patients with organ failure have been saved.

At present, the number of organ donations in China ranks second in the world, but it is far from enough compared to the approximately 30,183 patients who need organ transplantation in China every year. Organ transplantation is known as the "spire" of clinical medicine and the only effective treatment method to save patients with organ failure. Up to now, there are <> hospitals with human organ transplantation qualifications in China, the survival rate after heart and kidney transplantation ranks first in the world, and the number of organ transplants ranks second in the world.

Man dies suddenly of illness Donated organs "prolong" life

In recent years, more and more people have joined the ranks of organ donation volunteers. Recently, a middle-aged man in Chongqing died of a sudden illness, and his family decided to donate some of his organs to save the lives of more patients.

On May 5, Li Jun, a security captain in a small district in Chongqing's Shapingba District, suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at home, developing symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, and impaired consciousness, and his family immediately sent him to a nearby hospital. Due to the excessive amount of bleeding, the brain function is severely impaired, and there is no chance of surgery. With the last glimmer of hope, his family transferred him to the Southwest Hospital of the Army Medical University for treatment.

Zhang Yan, professor of intensive care medicine at the Southwest Hospital of the Army Medical University: The patient was in a very critical condition when he came, and his vital signs were very unstable. Consciousness is a state of deep coma, bilateral pupils are dilated and fixed, the light reflex is lost, and there is no spontaneous breathing.

The hospital immediately organized multidisciplinary consultations and made every effort to rescue him, but because his condition was too serious, Li Jun could not wake up in the end. Li Jun is the only son in the family, and in the face of the pain of losing his son, Li Jun's parents decided to extend his life by organ donation and save more patients.

Mr. Li, Li Jun's father: If we donate the body so that more beneficiaries can continue their lives, then I think this is very valuable and meaningful.

According to the wishes of Li Jun's parents, with the joint efforts of the Red Cross and the hospital, Li Jun recently completed organ donation in Southwest Hospital.

Chen Qiong, coordinator of Chongqing Organ Donation Management Center: This donor donated one liver, two kidneys and a pair of cornea, which can save the lives of three patients with organ failure and restore the sight of two patients with eye diseases.

One patient successfully underwent allogeneic laryngeal transplantation

With the increase in organ donation volunteers, more and more patients with organ failure have been reborn. Recently, West China Hospital of Sichuan University successfully performed a combination transplant of allogeneic larynx, trachea and thyroid through voluntary organ donation.

The patient, Mr. Zhou, underwent surgery for laryngeal cancer 9 years ago, and at the beginning of this year, the tumor recurred and expanded, and he was at risk of having his larynx completely removed. Mr. Zhou repeatedly expressed to the hospital his desire to save his larynx. After repeated discussions by the expert team, Mr. Zhou finally proposed "allogeneic laryngeal-trachea-thyroid transplantation". Professor Chen Fei's team from West China Hospital of Sichuan University immediately carried out organ matching and preoperative preparation.

Guo Hui, head of the organ donation office of West China Hospital of Sichuan University: In April, there was a 4-year-old male patient with a spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, who was treated in our hospital at that time and was diagnosed with brain death. Before his death, he also mentioned his willingness to donate his organs to save people after his death. In the end, the family decided to donate the patient's organs after his death.

According to the doctor, unlike relatively mature liver, kidney, heart, lung and other large organ transplantation, laryngeal transplantation has a series of problems, such as the scarcity of laryngeal donors; The operation is difficult and involves many small nerves and blood vessels; The bacterial profiles of donors and recipients are different, and infection is prone to occur after transplantation. To date, there have been only three well-reported successful cases of throat transplantation worldwide.

In order to ensure the safety of the operation, Professor Chen Fei repeatedly discussed with multidisciplinary experts such as the liver transplant center, the Department of Critical Care Medicine, and the Department of Anesthesiology, determined the surgical plan, and formulated emergency response measures. The operation anastomosed 6 blood vessels and 4 nerves and took 9 hours.

After multidisciplinary joint management, the patient did not have complications, and after more than a month of rehabilitation, the indicators were stable.