Teller Report

Nilyufar has Down syndrome – to be sent alone to Kazakhstan

6/10/2023, 8:20:20 PM

Highlights: Nilyufar Amirbekova has Down syndrome and no relatives left in Kazakhstan. The Swedish Migration Agency has rejected her application for asylum. Her cousin Rita Olsson and her husband Ingemar have fought for her to stay with them. Joakim Eriksson, head of the Migration Agency's asylum examination unit: "We have weighed the circumstances of her case against the circumstances in Kazakhstan and established that she is not a refugee or a person in need of protection" The family is worried about what will happen to her.

Although Nilyufar Amirbekova has no relatives left in Kazakhstan, she will be sent back there. Nilyufar has Down syndrome and cannot take care of himself, but is supported by his cousin's family in Mörrum.

Nilyufar Amirbekova is 38 years old, but according to the assessment of doctors, she is like a child. She has Down syndrome and no longer has any relatives left in Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, she will return there, according to a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency.

"It's a nightmare. I feel like I'm going to die the day they send her there. She can't take care of herself," says her cousin Rita Olsson.

Received several rejections

When Nilyufar's mother died in 2018, her cousin Rita Olsson chose to bring her home from Kazakhstan to Sweden and Mörrum. Together with her husband Ingemar, she has since taken care of her cousin and fought for her to stay with them.

But the family has been rejected after rejected.

"We have weighed the circumstances of her case against the circumstances in Kazakhstan and established that she is not a refugee or a person in need of protection," says Joakim Eriksson, head of the Swedish Migration Agency's asylum examination unit.

Concerned about the situation

Ingemar Olsson, who is also a trustee of Nilyufar, is concerned about the situation and worried about Nilyufar's future.

"This is in our thoughts all the time, what will happen to her. They will probably lock her up in some home and there she will be sitting.

In the clip below – hear about the Swedish Migration Agency's decision:

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In the clip, Joakim Eriksson at the Migration Agency comments on Nilyufar's case. Photo: SVT