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Macron calls on Iran 'to immediately end support' for Russia in Ukraine war

6/10/2023, 9:40:10 PM

Highlights: Emmanuel Macron calls on Iran 'to immediately end support' for Russia in Ukraine war. The French head of state alerted the Iranian president "to the seriousness of Iran's delivery of drones to Russia" The exchange comes a day after US accusations against Iran. Four Frenchmen remain detained in Iran: Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris, arrested on 7 May 2022, Louis Arnaud, and another person whose identity has never been made public. The JCPOA is a treaty aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of international sanctions.

During a telephone conversation on Saturday, June 10, the French and Iranian presidents discussed the war in Ukraine, but also the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear agreement and the four...

Macron calls on Iran 'to immediately end support' for Russia in Ukraine war

During a telephone interview on Saturday, June 10, the French and Iranian presidents discussed the war in Ukraine, but also the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear agreement and the four French nationals still imprisoned in Iran.

French President Emmanuel Macron and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi at the UN General Assembly, September 2022. AFP - LUDOVIC MARIN

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The French head of state alerted the Iranian president "to the seriousness of the consequences, both security and humanitarian, of Iran's delivery of drones to Russia". And he therefore called on Tehran "to immediately end the support it thus provides to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine," according to a statement from the Elysee.

The exchange comes a day after US accusations against Iran. On Friday, a White House spokesman warned that Russia is "receiving equipment from Iran to build a drone factory" on its soil. And according to the Americans, the plant "could be fully operational early next year."

The United States also estimates that until last May, Russia received "hundreds" of Iranian attack drones. Accusations that Tehran has repeatedly deemed "baseless".

>> READ ALSO: War in Ukraine: the tone rises around Iranian drones

Nuclear deal and French prisoners

During this telephone conversation of about an hour and a half between the two heads of state, Emmanuel Macron also discussed the JCPOA, the treaty aimed at limiting the development of Iran's nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of international sanctions. On this subject, Mr. Macron "expressed his concern about the current trajectory of Iran's nuclear program".


He stressed the importance of Tehran taking concrete and verifiable de-escalation measures, and implementing, fully and without delay, its international obligations, as well as its commitments to the International Atomic Energy Agency. " on March 4, adds the Elysee.

And finally, Emmanuel Macron "reiterated his deep concern about the situation of the four French nationals still held in Iran and again called for their immediate release". Four Frenchmen remain detained in Iran: Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris, arrested on 7 May 2022, Louis Arnaud, arrested on 28 September, and another person whose identity has never been made public.

(With AFP)

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