Teller Report

Little hero: Ten-year-old rescues injured boy from swimming pool

6/10/2023, 1:00:04 PM

Highlights: When he saw a peer motionless in the pool, a ten-year-old jumped into the water. He pulled out the other child, possibly saving his life. The child had been taken to a clinic by rescue helicopter. Whether the boy was unconscious or had to be resuscitated was not known on Saturday. The sponsoring association of the natural outdoor pool writes on its homepage: "We keep our fingers crossed that he will recover quickly" The police did not initially provide any information about the incident.

When he saw a peer motionless in the pool, a ten-year-old jumped into the water. He pulled out the other child, possibly saving his life.

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Air rescue in action (symbolic image)

Photo: Peter Endig; / imago images / Peter Endig

A ten-year-old pulled a seriously injured boy out of the water of an outdoor swimming pool and possibly saved his life. The child was injured on Friday afternoon while playing, reported the natural pool on the lake in North Rhine-Westphalian weather on the Ruhr.

"Taken out of the non-swimmer pool by an attentive visitor of the same age, he was immediately given first aid by the employees of the natural outdoor pool and DLRG emergency services," it said in a statement. A spokesman for the fire brigade in the Ennepe-Ruhr district said that the boy had hit the edge of the pool according to the first state of knowledge when diving into a head.

Motionless in the pelvis

The child had been taken to a clinic by rescue helicopter. Whether the boy was unconscious or had to be resuscitated was not known on Saturday. The police did not initially provide any information about the incident.

According to a report by "RTL", the young hero saw the injured man floating motionless in the pool, jumped courageously into the water and pulled him out. Shortly thereafter, adults rushed over and looked after the children until the arrival of the rescue forces.

How the seriously injured ten-year-old was not known on Saturday. The sponsoring association of the natural outdoor pool writes on its homepage: "We keep our fingers crossed that he will recover quickly."