Teller Report

Paz Padilla also received a message from her husband after he died

6/9/2023, 5:20:37 PM

Highlights: Paz Padilla (53) wanted to send a message of support to Ana Obregón (68) through her social networks after the presentation of the book El chico de las musarañas. During that expected press conference, which was the great reappearance of the also biologist after spending several months in Miami, United States, where her granddaughter Ana Sandra was born, she confessed a mysterious fact. She received a call from her deceased son with his mobile turned off. A text that Aless Lequio began writing before he died and that his mother has finished.

Paz Padilla (53) wanted to send a message of support to Ana Obregón (68) through her social networks after the presentation of the book El chico de las musarañas that made the...

  • Book Ana Obregón and the mobile phone call she received from her son, after he died: "Yes, from Aless. I said 'this is a sign.'"

Paz Padilla (53) wanted to send a message of support to Ana Obregón (68) through her social networks after the presentation of the bookEl chico de las musarañas made by the interpreter of Ana y los 7, last Wednesday, June 7, at the Westin Palace hotel in Madrid. A text that Aless Lequio began writing before he died and that his mother has finished. During that expected press conference, which was the great reappearance of the also biologist after spending several months in Miami, United States, where her granddaughter Ana Sandra was born, she confessed a mysterious fact that occurred when she had a meeting with the publisher of the book, since she received a call from her deceased son with his mobile turned off.

To this story, which many have quarantined when they do not believe it at all, has been added Padilla, who lost her husband on July 18, 2020, due to cancer, at 53 years of age. Through her Instagram profile, the founder of No Ni Ná has told an experience similar to that of Ana Obregón. "Well, I want to say one thing. I have heard that Ana Obregón said something in the press conference of her book about when she had the meeting with the publisher, HaperCollins. She says she didn't have the strength to do the book, but suddenly her phone rang and it said Aless. The call was received from his son's phone. And she explains that she counts it as a sign. There are many people, the typical haters who say that she is fatal ...", he began saying before telling his story.

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Paz Padilla has explained that Antonio Vidal's phone was unsubscribed after his death and that she has that phone on her bedside table off. "Obviously I didn't open that phone because opening it meant it hurt me," he continued. The businesswoman has reported that she writes the book, The humor of my life, premieres it and begins to prepare the play that premiered on September 7, 2021.

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"I'm going to premiere, I prepare the work, it costs me a lot ... But premiere at the Teatro Capitol in Madrid and on the day of the premiere, at night, I receive a photograph of Antonio and me and I look and say, do you excuse me? And it says, 'Antonio'. I open it, it's his phone number, and there's a picture of the two of them. Of course, I do not understand what happened because his phone is without line and turned off on my bedside table, "he added, but, in addition, Paz Padilla recalled that when he went to the bedside table the mobile had no battery and that he put it to charge.

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"It was totally empty. I open the mobile, although it has no line and indeed the last message that Antonio sends is to me and it is that photo. Can someone explain it to me? No one knew his keys except me. I interpreted it as a sign and I do not question Ana at all, "he finished, still excited to remember that mysterious episode that he keeps so fondly.

  • Paz Padilla
  • Ana Obregon

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