Teller Report

More Madrid secures half of the starting positions and co-directs the campaign in the region

6/9/2023, 3:09:50 PM

Highlights: Más Madrid has reached a pact with Sumar in which Yolanda Díaz recognizes her role as the hegemonic force of the political space of the alternative left of the PSOE in the region. The party led by Monica Garcia will have half of the starting positions on the constituency list, in addition to being able to co-direct the campaign. In this way, Más Madrid ensures a preponderant role in the electoral list that has given the most headaches to the negotiators of Sumar.

Más Madrid has reached a pact with Sumar in which Yolanda Díaz recognizes her role as the hegemonic force of the political space of the alternative left of the PSOE in the...

Más Madrid has reached a pact with Sumar in which Yolanda Díaz recognizes her role as the hegemonic force of the political space of the alternative left of the PSOE in the region. The party led by Monica Garcia will have half of the starting positions on the constituency list, in addition to being able to co-direct the campaign.

In this way, Más Madrid ensures a preponderant role in the electoral list that has given the most headaches to the negotiators of Sumar, because it is the most relevant in political terms and the easiest to obtain representation in electoral terms.

Sources of the Madrid party detail that Más Madrid will have positions three, four, seven and ten on the list. Normally, only the first three enter, which in practice represents half of the possible elected deputies. Because we must discount that the position of number one is for Diaz and that makes it a gap that was outside the negotiations.

On the other hand, and this being an issue that worried a lot about the presence of Podemos in the coalition, even more so after the recent example given in the 28-M elections, Más Madrid is guaranteed to control the campaign in a strategic enclave and of great repercussion. There will be a campaign address corresponding to Madrid in which Más Madrid will hold "the direction in a collegial way with Movimiento Sumar".

The agreement with Más Madrid gives clues of what will happen elsewhere. The name of the coalition will be Sumar, to dry, and all posters and campaign material will use only that name. This means that Más Madrid will not be on the ballot or in the images.

As it was already known, the logo that will appear on the ballot will be the face of Díaz.

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