Teller Report

Fate at Vallarna in Nyköping during the end of school

6/9/2023, 4:10:25 PM

Highlights: The long-standing tradition of school graduation at Vallarna in Nyköping now seems to have come to a definitive end. The decision on the end of the school year now lies with each principal and it has been a hot issue among teachers, students and guardians. "It is difficult to answer now, but if the question comes up in the vice-chancellor's group, we will of course discuss it," says Katja Ahlin, the principal of Östra skolan.

The long-standing tradition of school graduation at Vallarna in Nyköping now seems to have come to a definitive end. This morning, it echoed empty on the site, which during previous closing days had been the gathering place for students and relatives from the municipality's inner city schools.

The decision on the end of the school year now lies with each principal and it has been a hot issue among teachers, students and guardians in Nyköping during the spring.

Katja Ahlin is the principal of, among others, Östra skolan, which is one of the schools that previously marched to Vallarna during the closing morning.

– We have created our own traditions during the pandemic where we saw that many of our students had better conditions to participate in the end of school compared to what they had on the ramparts, she says to SVT Nyheter Sörmland.

What does the future look like – can the end of school return to Vallarna?

"It is difficult to answer now, but if the question comes up in the vice-chancellor's group, we will of course discuss it," says Katja Ahlin.

In the clip above: See the difference between 2019 and 2023 at Vallarna – and follow along to this year's graduation at Östra skolan.