Teller Report

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: In particular, high-level exchanges between China and the United States should be managed throughout the process

6/8/2023, 4:48:58 PM

Highlights: Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng delivers keynote speech at US-China Business Council event. Feng: Two countries should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for win-win results. China attaches importance to China-US relations as always, willing to work with US side to grasp right direction, promote dialogue and cooperation, dismantle dangerous flashpoints, he says. He says China held eight rounds of consultations with US colleagues for more than 6 hours in preparation for the Bali meeting.

Washington, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng was invited to attend a welcoming event held by the US-China Business Council on 7 June to welcome his new post and delivered a keynote speech. He pointed out that the two countries should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for win-win results, and explore the correct way for China and the United States to get along in the new era.

Xie Feng said that President Xi Jinping put forward the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, which pointed out the root cause of the correct coexistence between China and the United States in the new era. Mutual respect is the premise, peaceful coexistence is the bottom line, and win-win cooperation is the goal. China attaches importance to China-US relations as always, and is willing to work with the US side to grasp the right direction, promote dialogue and cooperation, dismantle dangerous flashpoints, implement the important consensus reached at the Bali meeting of the two heads of state with practical actions, and strive for China-US relations to return to the right track at an early date.

Xie Feng pointed out that China and the United States have established more than 100 dialogue and exchange mechanisms, but they have stalled for well-known reasons. Two years ago, my American friends reminded me not to use the word dialogue anymore, because it is almost taboo in the United States, and I find it incredible and incomprehensible. The door to dialogue between China has always been open, and President Xi Jinping and President Biden have met and spoken six times in the past two years. In preparation for the Bali meeting, China held eight rounds of consultations with US colleagues for more than 6 hours. Less than one month after the meeting, the Chinese side invited Assistant Secretary Kangda and Senior Director Rosenberg to have in-depth communication for 8 hours in Langfang, Hebei Province. Later, the airship incident and Tsai Ing-wen's sneaking into the United States interfered with the cooperation agenda and interrupted the dialogue process again, and China was deeply disappointed. The US side recently expressed its hope to strengthen high-level contacts between the two countries, return to the consensus and agenda of the Bali meeting, and find ways to ease tensions, stabilize and improve bilateral relations. China has attached importance to this and responded positively. Director Wang Yi held frank, in-depth, substantive and constructive meetings and meetings with Assistant Sullivan, State Councilor Qin Gang and Ambassador Burns, Minister Wang Wentao and Minister Raimondo.

Xie Feng said that there is a saying in China called "sincerity leads to spirit", and dialogue and cooperation should be mutually respectful and result-oriented. It is unacceptable to place the other party on the sanctions list while calling for dialogue and cooperation. Dialogue for the sake of dialogue, talk about talking, and doing things will not only fail to solve the problem, but will also be counterproductive. In particular, high-level exchanges should do a good job in managing the whole process, creating a good atmosphere before the dialogue, accumulating positive results during the dialogue, and solidly promoting implementation after the dialogue.

Xie Feng said that more than 50 years ago, the leaders of the two countries insisted on seeking common ground while reserving differences, finding common interests between countries with different systems, ending the 22-year hostile isolation, and promoting the realization of a win-win situation between China and the United States and a win-win situation for the world. Today, the rain and cold of Sino-US relations are linked to the well-being of the 17.<> billion people of the two countries and the future of the world. Preventing conflicts and confrontations between China and the United States and striving for the stable development of Sino-US relations is to safeguard the common interests of the two countries and two peoples, and to make major contributions to world peace and prosperity. (End)