Teller Report

Literary and artistic works from many places enter Xi'an, and the masses show "deep love for the earth"

6/7/2023, 1:48:43 AM

Highlights: "Deep Earth Love" National Outstanding Mass Literary Works (Star Award) officially kicked off in Xi'an on the evening of 7 June. Selected programs from Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guizhou and Shaanxi were gathered and bloomed. Among them, "Song Comes from the Bank of the Yellow River" uses the musical style of Shenmu wine song, which is formed by the fusion of grassland nomadic culture and loess culture. The instrumental ensemble "Silk Road Echoes" uses a variety of musical instruments such as the horse head qin and the erhu.

Xi'an, June 6 (Yang Yingqi) -- With a cheerful melody, the demonstration tour of "Deep Earth Love" National Outstanding Mass Literary Works (Star Award) officially kicked off in Xi'an on the evening of 7 June. 6 selected programs from Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guizhou and Shaanxi were gathered and bloomed, presenting the strong "epochal" and "human touch" of literary and artistic works to the general audience.

The touring works on the stage of the evening were selected from a wide range of materials and presented in a variety of ways, with strong regional characteristics, prominent cultural context, and distinctive colors of the times. Among them, "Song Comes from the Bank of the Yellow River" uses the musical style of Shenmu wine song, which is formed by the fusion of grassland nomadic culture and loess culture, to show the happy life and new spiritual outlook of the people; "Shouwang Sama" tells the story of Yi girl Yitu who returned to her hometown to start a business after graduating from university, turning a poor backcountry into a beautiful and happy new home; The harmonica ensemble "Fall in Love with This City" outlines the fashionable and romantic city of Shanghai with a fresh and pleasant melody; The instrumental ensemble "Silk Road Echoes" uses a variety of musical instruments such as the horse head qin and the erhu to play the prosperity of Silk Road culture and the openness and inclusiveness of the Silk Road spirit...

The picture shows the wonderful performance of the night. Photo courtesy of Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

It is understood that this event takes "Literary and Art Bacon Casts Soul Acura Times Chapter" as the theme, with colorful, confident, sharing and safety as the core, through launching ceremonies, grassroots tours, creative training and other forms, giving full play to the spiritual power and demonstration and leading role of excellent literary and artistic works. During the tour, a series of activities such as training on the creation of outstanding mass literary and artistic works, open days for theater groups, excellent works entering campus, and famous dramas benefiting the people will also be organized, so as to gather a strong spiritual power for the culturally strong province by displaying the achievements of mass literary and artistic development in an all-round way and enriching the supply of public cultural services and products.

The picture shows the wonderful performance of the night. Photo courtesy of Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

Xi'an officials said that this art event is of great significance to display the cultural image of the city and promote cultural exchanges between cities. Xi'an will take this as an opportunity to accelerate the construction of a cultural city, further prosper the development of the people's cultural undertakings, and achieve new achievements in upright innovation.

It is reported that the event was hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and hosted by the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shaanxi Province and the People's Government of Xi'an Municipality. (End)