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"Grey's Anatomy": Ellen Pompeo aka Meredith reveals what she hated in the series

6/7/2023, 1:19:01 PM

Highlights: Meredith was making 'bad decisions', according to Ellen Pompeo aka Meredith. The interpreter of Meredith loved playing in the medical show even if some points displeased him. Pompeo, who wanted to devote more time to her family, does not regret her choice to leave Grey's Anatomy, of which she remains executive producer. It is by becoming executive producer of the show, after twelve years of being "only" actress, that she was able to have a real power over Meredith's choices.

In an interview with the magazine " Variety" with her former co-star Katherine Heigl, Ellen Pompeo reflected on her experience in the series " Grey's Anatomy, which she left last November. The interpreter of Meredith loved playing in the medical show even if some points displeased him ...  

Solène Delinger / Copyright ABC/Kelsey McNeal 15:06 p.m., June 07, 2023

In an interview with "Variety" magazine with her former acting partner Katherine Heigl, Ellen Pompeo returned to her experience in the series "Grey's Anatomy", which she left last November. The interpreter of Meredith loved playing in the medical show even if some points displeased him ...

Grey's Anatomy fans will never forget Ellen Pompeo. The American actress has indeed embodied for 19 seasons the role of Meredith Grey, the most emblematic character of the medical show. The announcement of his departure from the series, last November, had also had the effect of a bomb. "I have to do something new or I'm going to lose my mind," the star justified himself on the Drew Barrymore Show.

Meredith was making 'bad decisions', according to Ellen Pompeo

Ellen Pompeo, who wanted to devote more time to her family, does not regret her choice to leave Grey's Anatomy, of which she remains executive producer. In a cross-interview with her former acting partner Katherine Heigl for Variety magazine, the actress even let loose by detailing everything she hated about the series... If she was very attached to her character of Meredith, Ellen Pompeo could no longer stand that she made "bad decisions", especially in her love life, very tumultuous.

READ ALSO- "Grey's Anatomy": Ellen Pompeo aka Meredith finally reveals the reasons for his departure from the series

Meredith was unable to learn from her past relationships: "One of my frustrations was the story between Nick and Meredith. I love Scott Speedman. He's fantastic. But with him like the others, every time, Meredith can't figure out how to make a relationship work after a while. I guess it's to add drama. There must be conflict and drama... But that's not what I believe. I think we can also do without drama sometimes. That we can bring different ideas about what stories should be."

Ellen Pompeo was therefore frustrated by the choices of the production, with whom she fought for Meredith to evolve in the right direction. "I really needed to see the evolution and change at Meredith. Except that for a classic series like Grey's Anatomy, broadcast on prime-time television, there must be some consistency for the audience. The audience wants familiarity. The writers get stuck in that consistency and it's harder," the actress told Katherine Heigl. It is by becoming executive producer of the show, after twelve years of being "only" actress that Ellen Pompeo was able to have a real power over Meredith's choices.

It is certainly for this reason that the star will certainly make "some appearances" on Grey's Anatomy next year, if she "finds the time". His fans just have to cross their fingers...