Teller Report

Kirby: The United States does not know exactly who is responsible for the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station

6/6/2023, 6:28:49 PM

Highlights: John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council (NSC) said that the US administration at the moment cannot say with certainty who is responsible for blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. The Russian Foreign Ministry also called on the world community to condemn the criminal acts of the Ukrainian authorities against the Kakovka Hydroelectric Power Station. On the morning of June 6, the head of Nova KakhOVka, Vladimir Leontiev, reported damage to the upper part of the KachovkaHydroelectricPower Station.

John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council (NSC), said that the US administration at the moment cannot say with certainty who is responsible for blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

According to TASS, the White House has seen reports that "Russia is responsible for undermining the dam."

"We are doing our best to evaluate these reports. And we're engaging with Ukrainians to gather more information. Now we can't say with certainty what happened," Kirby added.

On the morning of June 6, the head of Nova Kakhovka, Vladimir Leontiev, reported damage to the upper part of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also said that the Russian side calls on the world community to condemn the criminal acts of the Ukrainian authorities against the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called Ukraine's undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station a terrorist crime.