Teller Report

Foreign Ministry: Ukraine failed to present evidence on the lawsuit against Russia in the UN court

6/6/2023, 2:18:46 PM

Highlights: Ukraine could not convincingly present evidence on its 2017 lawsuit against Russia on Donbass and Crimea at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Russian representatives in court Gennady Kuzmin, Alexander Shulgin and Maria Zabolotskaya said that Ukraine is trying to divert attention from its long-term practice of suppressing the rights of millions of Russians and national minorities. "They were not able to provide convincing evidence," he stressed. "The speech of the Ukrainian side disappointed," he said.

The representative of the Russian delegation in court, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Gennady Kuzmin, said that Ukraine could not convincingly present evidence on its 2017 lawsuit against Russia on Donbass and Crimea at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

As RIA Novosti reports, "the speech of the Ukrainian side disappointed" Kuzmin and he was ready for a more professional presentation and a solid evidence base.

"They were not able to provide convincing evidence," he stressed.

According to Kuzmin, since these are hearings on the merits of the case, at this stage it is expected that the plaintiff will present convincing evidence of the allegations on which he relies.

Earlier, Russian representatives in court Gennady Kuzmin, Alexander Shulgin and Maria Zabolotskaya said that by filing a lawsuit against Russia at the International Court of Justice, Ukraine is trying to divert attention from its long-term practice of suppressing the rights of millions of Russians and national minorities.