Teller Report

Details: The US had advance information about plans for Ukrainian attack on Nord Stream

6/6/2023, 3:59:20 PM

Highlights: Three months in advance, the United States knew that there were plans to sabotage the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The Washington Post reports this, citing leaked CIA documents. According to the documents, a Ukrainian special forces unit planned an attack. The American CIA learned as early as June last year that a small group from a Ukraine special forces had plans for an attack on Nord Stream. The incident is still under investigation. Who was behind it is still unclear and there have been many theories. But according to the Washington Post, the new data is the clearest evidence yet that Ukraine's government was involved.

Three months in advance, the United States knew that there were plans to sabotage the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The Washington Post reports this, citing leaked CIA documents. According to the documents, a Ukrainian special forces unit planned an attack.

The American CIA learned as early as June last year that a small group from a Ukrainian special forces had plans for an attack on Nord Stream. It shows leaked CIA documents that have been circulated on the Discord platform, and are part of the so-called Pentagon leak, reports the Washington Post.

In September, the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines outside Bornholm were blown up, and the incident is still under investigation. Who was behind it is still unclear and there have been many theories. But according to the Washington Post, the new data is the clearest evidence yet that Ukraine's government was involved in the blast.

Earlier this year, the New York Times reported that U.S. intelligence suggested that it may have been a pro-Ukrainian group that blew up the gas pipelines, which was rejected by Ukraine.

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60 seconds: The blasts against the Nord Stream pipelines outside Bornholm. Photo: SVT, TT