Teller Report

Despite difficult conditions for the search in Piteå – "We never give up"

6/6/2023, 1:39:20 PM

Highlights: A man in his 50s fell into the water during maintenance work on Bergsviksbron in Piteå. The man who was supposed to repair a broken bridge railing has not yet been found. The search for a missing person differs when searching for water compared to on land. "Water is the hardest thing we can search in," says Martin Persson, operations manager for Missing People in Norrbotten and Västerbotten. "There has been a timber trail here so there is a lot of timber in the water," he says.

Missing People has today begun their search for the man who fell from Bergsviksbron in Piteå, but the conditions are not optimal.

It is now a week since the accident where a man in his 50s fell into the water during maintenance work on Bergsviksbron in Piteå. The man who was supposed to repair a broken bridge railing has not yet been found and today Missing People begins its search.

"We use two products, an active target and a sidescan. There are special sonars that scan the bottom of the river to see if there is a body down there. If we were to make a bargain, we would go down with our underwater drone to really establish what it could be, says Martin Persson, operations manager for Missing People in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

"The hardest thing we can search in"

Martin Persson is also clear that the search for a missing person differs when searching for water compared to on land.

"Water is the hardest thing we can search in. There has been a timber trail here so there is a lot of timber in the water and a lot of rock. These are challenges, they absolutely are," Persson said.

In the clip, you hear more about the search effort.