Teller Report

Anna Erra, the mayor of Vic of the yellow crosses and the 'pro-independence megaphones', Junts candidate for president of the Parliament

6/6/2023, 5:08:48 PM

Highlights: The Parliament withdraws the minutes to Laura Borràs and will elect a new president next week. The vice president of the party and current mayor of Vic did not stand for re-election. She had the support of the most institutional sector of the formation, headed by Jordi Turull. The decision is intended to transmit a message of calm between the different families of the independence force. The vote will take place next Friday in an extraordinary plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia.

Anna Erra is chosen by Junts per Catalunya to replace Laura Borràs as president of the Parliament. The vice president of the party and current mayor Vic (did not show up to...

  • Together The Parliament withdraws the minutes to Laura Borràs and will elect a new president next week
  • 28-M The victory of Xavier Trias in Barcelona unleashes a Cainite war in Junts between nostalgic CDC and children of 1-O

Anna Erra is chosen by Junts per Catalunya to replace Laura Borràs as president of the Parliament. The vice president of the party and current mayor Vic (she did not stand for re-election on 28-M and will be relieved by her partner Albert Castells) had the support of the most institutional sector of the formation, headed by the general secretary, Jordi Turull. Erra, in fact, was the second leader of Junts who obtained the most support at the congress held in July 2022, only behind Turull himself.

For months, she occupied the front rows in all the pools on the possible names that the party shuffled to relieve its president as head of the Bureau of the Catalan Chamber, which suspended her last July from her functions as deputy and parliamentary president after the opening of the oral trial that ended with a sentence of four and a half years in prison and 13 of disqualification for documentary falsification and prevarication for last February. The mayor of Vic for the last eight years has arrived, this afternoon, together with Borràs to the meeting of the executive of Junts in which the substitution has been decided, a studied gesture with which it has been intended to transmit a message of calm relief and peace between the different families of the independence force created by Carles Puigdemont.

In his eight years of management at the head of the City Council of Vic, Erra starred in two controversial sounds. It allowed the Catalan National Assembly to turn the city's emblematic Plaza Mayor into a cemetery made up of 2,500 yellow crosses, which would later be rammed by a speeding vehicle.

Likewise, the Consistory broadcast messages by public address system in the same square in favor of independence and in solidarity with the imprisoned independence leaders and fugitives from Justice, which earned it to be investigated by a court that ordered the paralysis of the messages.

The Bureau of the Parliament definitively withdrew the seat to Borràs last Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected his appeal against the order of the Central Electoral Board to annul his act of deputy, a measure derived from the sentence imposed by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia for his management at the head of the Institution of Catalan Letters. The autonomous Chamber argued that the sentence was not final, but there were already two precedents of deputies suspended under the same conditions: the former president of the Generalitat Quim Torra and the former member of the Bureau Pau Juvillà (CUP).

If nothing changes, Erra has the numbers that would facilitate her appointment as president of the Parliament next Friday in an extraordinary plenary session. Predictably, the post-convergence deputy will have, in addition to the support of her group, that of Esquerra Republicana, while the CUP will vote blank.

  • CUP
  • Quim Torra
  • Generalitat of Catalonia
  • Supreme Court
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • Jordi Turull
  • Laura Borràs
  • Together for Catalonia
  • Justice
  • Articles Gerard Melgar

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