Teller Report

"We are with you!": in Normandy, Emmanuel Macron warmly welcomed

6/6/2023, 6:29:00 PM

Highlights: President Emmanuel Macron participated in a crowd bath in Arromanches, Normandy, on the occasion of the commemorations of the D-Day landings. Thousands of French people demonstrated on Tuesday, June 6 to protest against the pension reform. The head of state was warmly welcomed during his crowd bath, with applause, handshakes and selfies by the dozens. The operation is successful for Emmanuel Macron who has already planned to return to Normandy next year, for the 80th anniversary of the landings on June 6, 2024.

While thousands of French people demonstrated on Tuesday, June 6 to protest against the pension reform, President Emmanuel Macron participated in a crowd bath in Arromanches, Normandy, on the occasion of the commemorations of the D-Day landings. A crowd bath without pots and pans or boos.

Jacques Serais (special envoy to Arromanches), edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP 20:12 pm, June 06, 2023

While thousands of French people demonstrated on Tuesday, June 6 to protest against the pension reform, President Emmanuel Macron participated in a crowd bath in Arromanches, Normandy, on the occasion of the commemorations of the D-Day landings. A crowd bath without pots and pans or boos.

President Emmanuel Macron was smiling in Arromanches, Calvados. In the middle of the 14th day of protest against the pension reform, the head of state inaugurated the new Normandy landing museum, and he was not allowed pots and pans or boos. On the contrary, the tenant of the Élysée was even warmly welcomed during his crowd bath, with applause, handshakes and selfies by the dozens... The head of state relished.

>> READ ALSO – Normandy: Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to the 177 French who participated in the D-Day landings

Successful operation for Emmanuel Macron

Pensioners sent him messages of support. "Good luck, hold on Mr. Macron, we are with you!" said one resident. "Thank you gentlemen ladies," replies Emmanuel Macron with a smile. But in front of the press, it is out of the question for the president to comment on the day of mobilization against the pension reform: "You know, it's a day of commemoration. In these moments, we must not make political comments, we must celebrate the unity of the nation, thank our elders and allies."

An image as a response to the protest on this day of commemoration. The operation is successful for Emmanuel Macron who has already planned to return to Normandy next year, for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on June 6, 2024.