Teller Report

School bullying: Pap Ndiaye receives the family of young Lindsay

6/5/2023, 4:28:09 PM

Highlights: "The state must not continue to close its eyes" to the tragedy, says the minister. The family of the victim are still waiting to be informed of the outcome of the investigation. The victim was a 13-year-old girl who was found dead in her bedroom. She had been stabbed in the head with a broken glass bottle. The girl's family is still waiting for the results of an investigation into her death. The case is being investigated by the National Court of Justice in Lille, France.

Education Minister Pap Ndiaye will receive Monday afternoon the family of 13-year-old Lindsay, who committed suicide in May after being bullied at school.

Pap Ndiaye had acknowledged Thursday that "the death of Lindsay, his suicide" was "a collective failure", "a tragedy for his relatives, for the National Education and for the country, as for the suicide of any young person".

He had also assured to follow "personally" the file of the suicide of the girl. Questioned on BFMTV that day, the minister had replied that he had, until then, not been able to contact the family of the teenager.

On Monday, he will receive Lindsay's family on rue de Grenelle in Paris, the Ministry of Education confirmed to AFP, after press reports.

"We are waiting for the minister to show us that he has become aware of the degree of seriousness of this human tragedy and beyond, the scourge of school bullying that plagues all colleges in France," said Pierre Debuisson, lawyer for Lindsay's family.

He hopes this will not be a "façade posture". "We want it to be accompanied by concrete, pragmatic measures to curb this phenomenon," he said.

"The state must not continue to remain powerless and close its eyes", "the denial of the scale of this disaster must stop", he added, adding that the family would speak at the end of the meeting.

Three complaints were filed against the management of the college, the academy of Lille and the police officers in charge of the investigation for "non-assistance to person in danger", had detailed Thursday Me Debuisson at a press conference in Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais), where the schoolgirl was schooled.

"With other ministries we will consult and act extremely firmly with regard to social networks because beyond what they can say, we know that their reaction is too slow and certainly not up to what we expect from them," the minister said Thursday.

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