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The Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs introduced the visit to Europe: achieving the desired goal

6/2/2023, 10:41:55 AM

Highlights: The main purpose of this visit is to communicate with relevant countries on a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. All parties have positively evaluated China's efforts and hope to resolve the crisis peacefully. All sides are highly concerned about the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Historically, wars and conflicts will eventually end in peace, but the spread of war can only bring more disasters and suffering. China is not a crisis maker or participant in the European governance, but an initiator of peace talks and a promoter of peace.

Beijing, June 6 (Zhongxin Net) -- On June 2, Li Hui, special representative of the Chinese government for Eurasian affairs, said in Beijing that the visit had achieved its intended purpose, all parties positively evaluated China's efforts, the risk of crisis escalation remained high, and all parties were highly concerned about the risk of spillover from the crisis.

On the same day, the China Public Diplomacy Association held a special briefing on the "Linjia No. 7 Salon" in Beijing, at which Li Hui introduced the relevant situation of visiting Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, the EU headquarters and Russia, and held discussions and exchanges with Chinese and foreign journalists.

"The main purpose of this visit is to communicate with relevant countries on a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis." Li Hui said, "In the exchanges with all parties, I elaborated on China's positions and propositions, listened carefully to the opinions of all parties, and had in-depth and frank exchanges with all parties, which can be said that the visit achieved the expected goal." ”

Li Hui said that this is the first time that China has sent a delegation to relevant countries to carry out diplomatic work on the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and during this visit, through in-depth communication and exchanges with relevant parties, three prominent feelings were formed.

Li Hui specifically pointed out: First, all parties have positively evaluated China's efforts and hope to resolve the crisis peacefully. Whether it is Ukraine, Russia or other European countries, all parties recognize China's efforts to persuade peace and promote talks, support a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, hope that China will play an active role, and are willing to have in-depth communication and exchanges with China.

For example, the Ukrainian side thanked China for its positive role in persuading peace and promoting talks, appreciated China's adherence to respecting sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and stressed that many contents of the document "China's Position on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis" are consistent with President Zelensky's proposal, and look forward to China's continued constructive influence. The Russian side appreciates China's sincere desire and practical efforts to promote a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and said that it will continue to adhere to the direction of political settlement. Poland, France, Germany, the European Union and other countries all expect China to continue to exert a positive influence on the Ukraine issue, promote the peaceful resolution of the crisis, resolve differences through dialogue, and achieve a lasting and just peace in Europe. These statements once again show that China's position on the issue of the Ukraine crisis is objective and impartial, and has also been highly praised by the international community.

Li Hui said that the second is that the risk of crisis escalation is still high. At present, the war is still escalating, and during our three days in Ukraine, Kiev sounded the air defense alarm every day. The situation on the battlefield is deadlocked, full of uncertainty, and the situation is worrying. Historically, wars and conflicts will eventually end in peace, but the spread of war can only bring more disasters and suffering, and as long as there is a glimmer of hope for peace, we should actively make efforts, rather than allowing the development of conflicts to drag on, let alone add fuel to the fire, causing local conflicts to turn into large-scale wars. At present, it seems that all parties still face many difficulties in sitting down to negotiate and negotiate results, but it is important for someone to come forward to promote the consensus of all parties, form the greatest common denominator, and gradually accumulate and create conditions for the settlement of the crisis. As long as it is conducive to easing the situation and promoting negotiations, China is willing to do it.

Li Hui said that third, all parties are highly concerned about the risk of spillover from the crisis, especially nuclear security, humanitarian issues, food security and other issues. All sides are highly concerned about the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine, and once a nuclear disaster occurs, no one can be left alone, and all parties should shoulder their responsibilities for ensuring the safety of nuclear facilities and take concrete actions to ensure that the situation cools down and eases. During the visit, many countries paid close attention to the humanitarian problems caused by the crisis, and China also attached great importance to them, and has been supporting all initiatives and measures conducive to alleviating the humanitarian crisis in its own way. Russia and Ukraine are both important food producers in the world, and China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with all parties to promote the formation of more international consensus and contribute to ensuring world food security.

Li Hui stressed that the Ukraine crisis has complex historical and practical reasons, and its essence is the outbreak of contradictions in European governance. China is not a crisis maker or a participant in the conflict, but an initiator of peace and a promoter of peace talks. (End)