Teller Report

How more girls in disadvantaged areas will start playing sports – Ariana invests in women's football

5/31/2023, 6:32:02 PM

Highlights: Ariana FC is launching an investment in football for girls at Kroksbäcks IP. The club was founded in 2015 by young Malmö guys with Afghan roots. Aiya Atwah is 11 years old and dreams of playing in the national team. "It's a fun sport and it's good for your health," says Aiya, who is now in the girls' team at Ariana FC in Malmäs, Division 1. The team is coached by Fatima Barekzai and Vagma Andar.

Ariana FC was founded in 2015 by young Malmö guys with Afghan roots. Since then, the club has established itself in Malmö football. But only on the men's side – including with a team in Division 1. Now the club is launching an investment in football for girls at Kroksbäcks IP.

"Ariana has been big for a long time, especially in Kroksbäck. But there was no girls' team and now we have started it and everything is complete, says the leader and coach of the girls' team Fatima Barekzai.

A report from the Centre for Sports Research published in April shows that there are major differences between girls' and boys' club sports in all types of residential areas. The gender differences are greatest in the most resource-poor residential areas.

"According to the norm, football is a boys' sport. Not many girls actually dare to play football, although most may want to. But we have still managed to get many girls to start playing, says assistant coach Vagma Andar.

SVT News Skåne is present when 15 girls train at Kroksbäck IP in Malmö. Aiya Atwah is 11 years old and dreams of playing in the national team.

"It's a fun sport and it's good for your health. I love football and want to play football all my life, says footballer Aiya Atwah.