Teller Report

The PP overwhelms and the punishment of Sánchez erases the PSOE from the map

5/28/2023, 11:21:06 PM

Highlights: The right-wing bloc led by the PP has resoundingly imposed itself in most of Spain. The Socialists only manage to maintain power in Castilla-La Mancha, Asturias and Navarra. The collapse, in terms of power, has been largely due to the weakness of its leftist partners: Unidas Podemos, divided and confronted, collapses in practically all territories. The popular have been the first force in historical squares of socialism signing a clear sorpasso that anticipates a clear political turnaround.

The change of cycle starts and it does so with the impetus of a tsunami. The right-wing bloc led by the PP has resoundingly imposed itself in most of Spain. The...

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The change of cycle starts and it does so with the impetus of a tsunami. The right-wing bloc led by the PP has resoundingly imposed itself in most of Spain. The popular have been the first force in historical squares of socialism signing a clear sorpasso that anticipates, with the support of Vox, either through government coalitions or through legislative agreements, a clear political turnaround, a possible prelude to the one that can be consecrated in December in the general elections. In the municipal, the PP has risen with the triumph collecting in the whole of the country almost 750,000 votes more than the PSOE and imposing itself in the main cities. On the autonomous side, the Socialists only manage to maintain power in Castilla-La Mancha, Asturias and Navarra. In this last autonomy María Chivite can repeat as president if she agrees again with Geroa Bai and also with Bildu.

In Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García Page, although losing two seats, retains an absolute majority. The Castilian baron from La Mancha thus becomes the most solid alternative to Pedro Sánchez if in December the PSOE is shipwrecked at the general polls. Page was only served by an absolute majority because in his territory he had no possibility of agreeing with any force to his left.

The PP, with Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has swept the Community of Madrid with an absolute majority, leaving in second and third position but at a great distance to Más Madrid and PSOE. The Socialists with Juan Lobato have been less than 300 votes away from giving the sorpasso to Monica Garcia.

In the Valencian Community and Aragon, with Carlos Mazón and Jorge Azcón at the head of the candidacies, the PP has been the most voted party with all the tricks in its hand to snatch the government from two of the four main barons of the PSOE, Ximo Puig and Javier Lambán. In these two autonomies the popular will have to agree with Vox.

There will also have to be an agreement with those of Santiago Abascal in Extremadura. In this community, the popular have equaled in seats to the socialist Guillermo Fernández-Vara who governed until now with an absolute majority but who no longer has the possibility of repeating because the struggle between the two most extreme parties, Vox and Unidas Podemos, has been settled in favor of the former.

Nor will Francina Armengol continue to head the Balearic government. In this community, the PP has clearly positioned itself as the first force with Marga Prohens heading the list. With the backing of Vox, the right-wing tandem far exceeds an absolute majority.

Unidas Podemos collapses

In Cantabria, the popular have managed to beat the PRC and the PSOE and are in a position to unseat Miguel Ángel Revilla with the help of the four seats won by Vox.

La Rioja will also be governed by the right and with an absolute majority. The PP has won by presenting Gonzalo Capellán as a candidate for the presidency. The popular also recover the capital, Logroño, after four years of socialist mandate.

Despite the setback, the PSOE has demonstrated its ability to resist. The collapse, in terms of power, has been largely due to the weakness of its leftist partners: Unidas Podemos, divided and confronted, collapses in practically all territories. And neither has it been a good result that of Compromís, the main ally of the Botanical Pact, which has allowed the PSOE to govern the Valencian Community since 2015. The socialist Ximo Puig has improved his brand compared to the last elections but the push of the PP that has engulfed the vote of Citizens and the collapse of his partner makes it impossible for him to reissue a third term.

On the contrary, the PP has been greatly benefited by the disappearance, clinical death in reality, of Ciudadanos. The popular have absorbed their votes completely which has provided them with an injection of decisive force.

'Popular' capitals

Regarding the main cities, the right has snatched Seville, Valladolid, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca from the PSOE.

In Madrid capital, the PP, with José Luis Martínez-Almeida, achieves an absolute majority. In this case, the popular have also monopolized all the vote of Citizens, a party that has practically disappeared from the electoral map. In the southern half of the country, the left only retains the cities of Jaén and Mérida. Martínez Almeida, who in 2019 ousted Manuela Carmena with a pact of losers, now triumphs in every rule and Vox will not be necessary for governability.

In Barcelona city there has also been a dance of ballots. The most voted force has been that of Trías (Junts), followed at a short distance by the PSC. The party of Ada Colau, En Comú) passes to the third position and at a considerable distance is ERC. Here the possibilities of agreement are several.

The Basque capitals, San Sebastián, will foreseeably have to go through a PNV-PSE pact. In Vitoria, the agreements are difficult with Bildu as the most voted force and in Bilbao, the PNV wins but without an absolute majority. Basque nationalists will have to choose between PSE or PP to govern the city.

  • PP
  • PSOE
  • To:
  • Citizenry
  • United We Can
  • Ximo Puig
  • Bildu
  • PNV
  • PSE
  • Compromís
  • Ada Colau
  • Manuela Carmena
  • PSC
  • CKD
  • Maria Chivite
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso
  • Community of Madrid
  • More Madrid
  • More Country
  • Javier Lambán
  • Santiago Abascal Conde
  • Cantabria
  • Regionalist Party of Cantabria
  • Miguel Angel Revilla

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