Teller Report

Spain punishes the way Sánchez governs and Feijóo promotes change

5/28/2023, 11:10:54 PM

Highlights: Spain seems to have initiated a profound change of political cycle that catapults the Popular Party towards La Moncloa. Citizens have categorically punished Sánchez's way of governing, marked by sectarianism, institutional lies and polarization. A majority of the electorate has turned its back on the PSOE to trust the center-rightled by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. If the local elections usually serve as an announcement of the general elections, it is presumable that this change is consumed in the December call.

The regional and municipal elections were raised by the PP and assumed in the first person by Pedro Sánchez as a plebiscite on himself, and the results in the...

The regional and municipal elections were raised by the PP and assumed in the first person by Pedro Sánchez as a plebiscite on himself, and the results at the polls were eloquent yesterday. Citizens have categorically punished Sánchez's way of governing, marked by sectarianism, institutional lies and polarization and by his alliances with populists and independentists. A majority of the electorate has turned its back on the PSOE to trust the center-right

led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Spain seems to have initiated a profound change of political cycle that catapults the Popular Party towards La Moncloa.

The blow to the PSOE is extraordinary. And

Instead of relying on the electoral strength of his barons, the president has insisted on leading the campaign with constant rallies and promises, and has lost decisively.

. The party faces an unmitigated debacle for which the team closest to the President of the Government is jointly responsible, whose bloc strategy has been pulverized at the polls.

At the organic level, the collapse of the radical political bloc on which the PSOE has walked places it as a party at risk of disintegration: it had never had so little territorial power or governed from the autonomous communities for fewer citizens. Not even in 2011, when they still ruled Andalusia.

Now they only retain Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha, where Emiliano García-Page resists with an absolute majority and shows that under the socialist acronym it is possible to govern from the centrality and without trenches

. The PSOE will also be able to keep Navarre, assuming the enormous moral cost of agreeing with Bildu. In addition, after a legislature overturned in Catalonia with pardons and the elimination of sedition, Jaume Collboni, second in votes, will depend on a tripartite pact to be mayor of Barcelona.

Feijóo's leadership, on the other hand, is clearly reinforced. And

It is the first time that the PP has won in an election called throughout Spain since 2016.

Seven years later, the distance of 750,000 votes between Popular and Socialists points to a historic turn. If the local elections usually serve as an announcement of the general elections, it is presumable that this change is consumed in the December call.

Yesterday's appointment expands the whole of Spain push shown by Isabel Díaz Ayuso in 2021 and Juanma Moreno in 2022. After his particular journey through the desert and the abrupt change in the dome of Pablo Casado,

the PP received massive support yesterday

, especially explicit in the victory of Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Madrid and in the turnaround achieved by Carlos Mazón and Jorge Azcón in the Valencian Community and Aragon.

It confirms, on the other hand, the disappearance of Citizens and the support of Vox.

Also the collapse of Podemos, a change undoubtedly healthy for the country

. To this is added a really disturbing drift in the Basque Country, where the PNV accuses the advance of Bildu and loses the first position in Vitoria in its favor. This shows that the main beneficiary of the whitewashing of the political heirs of terrorism, another of the mainstays of Sánchez's mandate, is the Abertzale left itself. And its effects on the socialist electorate in the south of the country are also being observed.

The Spaniards have expressed in the first round of the general elections their commitment to a center-right alternative based on the vocation of harmony and coexistence, which are the values where citizen emotion resides today. In addition to raising the level of public debate, civil society wants a government for all, oblivious to identity discussions that pit Spaniards against each other and capable of facing the pending challenges of an open and modern society. And

he result of 28-M offers two opportunities: one to the PSOE, to recover an integrating project linked to its historical identity and European social democracy, and another to Feijóo, to consolidate an exciting project

. Now, when the formation of majorities to govern communities and municipalities is ahead, it is the task of the PP to strengthen its program and establish limits with respect to Vox that do not make it lose that capital of moderation and treasured centrality.