Teller Report

Ayuso reaches the absolute majority in Madrid and Almeida brushes it, according to the latest polls

5/28/2023, 6:40:51 PM

Highlights: In the PP of Madrid the electoral device is already prepared for what can be the great election night in the headquarters of Genoa. If the latest polls are met the Community and the City Council would be dyed blue with two large majorities of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and José Luis Martínez-Almeida, who would add respectively 49.50% and 47% of the votes. The regional president, according to the Gad3 poll for Telemadrid, would obtain an absolute majority with a range of between 70 and 72 deputies.

In the PP of Madrid is already prepared the electoral device for what may be the great election night in the headquarters of Genoa, as in times of the tandem Hope ...

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In the PP of Madrid the electoral device is already prepared for what can be the great election night in the headquarters of Genoa, as in times of the tandem Esperanza Aguirre-Alberto Ruiz Gallardón. Because if the latest polls are met the Community and the City Council would be dyed blue with two large majorities of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and José Luis Martínez-Almeida, who would add respectively 49.50% and 47% of the votes.

The regional president, according to the Gad3 poll for Telemadrid, would obtain an absolute majority with a range of between 70 and 72 deputies, between two and four above the limit of 68. More adjusted would be in the case of the mayor, who would obtain between 28 and 30 councilors with the majority set at 29. If the lower part of the fork was met, the alderman would not obtain the absolute. In the upper part, he would still have a councilor left to obtain it with the disappearance of Citizens.

With that result, the PP would recover the absolute dominance of a region that had escaped it, especially at the municipal level where it even came to govern the left in the period between 2015 and 2019 with Manuela Carmena. Now that left as a whole would not even reach the full sum of the popular. The collapse of Más Madrid, which would lose seven councilors, going from 19 to 12, with 19% of the votes, would affect that block that would be completed with a rise of the PSOE to 10-11 councilors (17%) and Unidas Podemos that would remain at the limit of obtaining representation with 5% (0-3).

At the regional level, Más Madrid would also suffer a significant fall that would result in the PSOE, in the first regional experience of Juan Lobato, would recover the leadership of the opposition to Ayuso. According to the Gad3 poll, Mónica García would remain at 14.3% and fall to 20 seats for the 24 she won in the 4-M. For its part, the PSOE would climb to 20.2% and the 27-28 deputies, three or four more than two years ago. Again at the limit, with 5.2% and seven deputies, would be Unidas Podemos.

Ayuso's growth is essentially sustained by the fall that Vox would experience at the regional level with two points less than it had obtained in 2021. The formation of Rocío Monasterio would go from 13 deputies to a range of between 10 and 11 with 7.1% of the votes. At the municipal level, the radical right formation would maintain the same four councilors, with 7% of the vote, as in this last legislature.

  • Madrid Elections
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso
  • Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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