Teller Report

The new crown meets high blood pressure In this case, beware of myocarditis

5/23/2023, 2:50:14 AM

Highlights: New coronavirus infection cases ranked first among the city's statutory infectious diseases for three consecutive weeks. More than eighty percent of new crown patients are "one yang" patients, and most of them are elderly. The elderly with underlying diseases are still at risk of developing severe disease. Doctors in the Department of Cardiology give treatment advice on how to deal with the new crown in the elderly with high blood pressure.. The new crown kills the "back horse gun" again! According to the weekly epidemic report of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of new coronav virus infection cases has ranked first for three straight weeks.

The new crown kills the "back horse gun" again! According to the weekly epidemic report of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of new coronavirus infection cases has ranked first among the city's statutory infectious diseases for three consecutive weeks.

At the same time, experts introduced that more than eighty percent of new crown patients are "one yang" patients, and most of them are elderly. In particular, the elderly with underlying diseases are still at risk of developing severe disease. Today, doctors in the Department of Cardiology give treatment advice on how to deal with the new crown in the elderly with high blood pressure.

Why is blood pressure lower than usual during fever?

After being infected with the new crown, some patients may cause water loss due to high fever, especially sweating after using fever-reducing drugs, and some patients also have digestive symptoms: significantly decreased food intake, and even vomiting diarrhea, there may be insufficient blood volume, resulting in a drop in blood pressure.

These situations require moderate hydration and monitoring of changes in blood pressure.

Patients taking antihypertensive drugs can consult their doctor online if their blood pressure is lower than before, and they can consult their doctor online whether they need to reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs or suspend antihypertensive drugs.

If a decrease in blood pressure or blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg is detected without the above reasons, prompt medical attention is required.

After being infected with the new crown, should I take antihypertensive drugs?

Good control of the underlying condition reduces the likelihood of severe COVID-related disease. Treatment should be adhered to, do not change the drug on your own, and do not stop the drug at will to avoid significant fluctuations in blood pressure.

Due to the possibility of blood pressure fluctuations in patients infected with the new coronavirus infection, it is recommended to monitor blood pressure and heart rate daily, and if the blood pressure value is > 140/90mmHg for multiple measurements, it is recommended to adjust antihypertensive drugs, seek medical attention in time if necessary, or seek medical advice from doctors through Internet medical treatment.

When the new crown virus is infected, most drugs for treating cardiovascular diseases, such as aspirin, statins, most antihypertensive drugs, etc., can continue to be taken.

Does fever and drinking a lot of water increase the workload on the heart?

Although appropriately increasing water intake is beneficial to the recovery of new coronavirus infection, for patients with cardiovascular disease, drinking a large amount of water will increase the load on the heart and may even induce heart failure.

Therefore, it is not recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease to drink too much water. In addition to the daily diet, the daily water intake should be controlled at 500-1000ml. If the body temperature persists > 38°C, it can be increased by 300-500mI/day as appropriate.

After the impotence, the blood pressure is high again, is it because the drug is stopped?

Self-discontinuation is one of the factors that cause blood pressure to rise, but some factors may also cause blood pressure to rise after infection. For example, uncomfortable symptoms such as fever and pain, as well as poor sleep, tension and anxiety caused by these discomfort symptoms, will raise blood pressure.

Certain drugs may also affect blood pressure, and antipyretics acetaminophen and ibuprofen, as well as some proprietary Chinese medicines containing ephedra and licorice, can also raise blood pressure.

If you notice a higher blood pressure than before, it is recommended to contact your doctor for advice on how to adjust your blood pressure medications. Once a severe increase in blood pressure (systolic blood pressure ≥ 180mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥110mmHg) is found, or elevated blood pressure accompanied by chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, blurred vision, limb weakness and other symptoms, you should see a doctor promptly.

Cold medicine raises blood pressure Can you take it after impotence?

It is okay to take a moderate amount for a short period of time as directed by your doctor. Although ephedra is included in Lianhua Qingwen granules (capsules) and Jinhuaqinggan granules, ephedrine can stimulate the central nervous system and constrict blood vessels, raise blood pressure, and the antipyretic drugs acetaminophen and ibuprofen may also raise blood pressure, but these symptomatic drugs can relieve fever, nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms, and the discomfort caused by these symptoms themselves will also cause increased blood pressure.

Therefore, if hypertensive patients take fever-reducing drugs or traditional Chinese medicines in a short period of time according to the doctor's advice under good blood pressure control, and adhere to antihypertensive therapy, it will generally not have a great impact on blood pressure.

However, it is important to remember that you can choose one drug with similar effects, do not mix several drugs, and strengthen blood pressure monitoring, if you find blood pressure fluctuations, you need to consult a doctor in time.

Think a panic heart rate is myocarditis?

There are also several reasons for the increase in heart rate after infection. Stressful conditions such as infection and fever can lead to an increase in heart rate, which increases by about 1 beats per minute for every 10°C increase in body temperature.

At the same time, the heart rate can increase due to physical pain and nervousness during new crown infection, lack of oxygen due to severe infection, or hypovolemia due to high fever, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea or reduced eating. If severe cough, shortness of breath, and oxygen saturation are present, prompt medical attention is required.

A small number of new crown infected people have the possibility of toxic myocarditis, if there is an increase in heart rate commensurate with the increase in body temperature, or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, dyspnea, syncope and other symptoms, you should go to the hospital in time, through further examination to determine whether you have myocarditis and other heart diseases, do not carry it at home.

In addition, even after 2 to 3 weeks after the relief of symptoms such as fever, it is necessary to take a break and avoid heavy exercise.

What should cardiovascular patients pay attention to during Yangkang?

A moderate amount of activity is conducive to the recovery of the disease, and it is recommended to do some indoor activities within your ability every day, such as slow walking, simple housework, etc. At the same time, prolonged bed rest increases the risk of venous thrombosis in the lower extremities, or even causes pulmonary embolism; Appropriate activity helps prevent venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the lower extremities.

If symptoms such as chest tightness and chest pain occur, especially when these symptoms are obviously related to physical activities such as walking and housework, or accompanied by obvious sweating, it is recommended to stop the relevant activities immediately, seek medical attention in time, and call 120 ambulance if necessary.

Due to the overall age of patients with cardiovascular disease, the risk of severe new coronary pneumonia is increased, so it is recommended to adhere to daily monitoring of body temperature, finger blood oxygen saturation, and observe whether symptoms of dyspnea occur; If the finger blood gas saturation is <95%, or symptoms of dyspnea occur, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if there are no symptoms or mild symptoms, if the patient has not turned negative after 10 days of infection, it is recommended to go to the hospital. < p="">

Text/Ma Yuan, Zhou Lequn, Xu Xinye (Peking University Third Hospital) (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)