Teller Report

Giant pandas and golden monkey guardians: Spreading China's "Double Treasures" culture through video and stamp video

5/23/2023, 4:09:15 PM

Highlights: Giant pandas and golden monkey guardians: Spreading China's "Double Treasures" culture through images and stamp collections. Xue Kang, vice president of the All-China Philatelic Federation and director of the China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University, exchanged his thoughts and explorations on promoting biodiversity development through the two cultural IPs. In order to capture the delicate moments of giant pandas, Xue Kang traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to Shenlongjia in Hubei, Shangri-La in Yunnan and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou.

Giant pandas and golden monkey guardians: Spreading China's "Double Treasures" culture through images and stamp collections

【Commentary】On May 5, at the 22 "International Day for Biological Diversity" Sichuan main event held in Ya'an, Sichuan, Xue Kang, vice president of the All-China Philatelic Federation and director of the China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University, exchanged his thoughts and explorations on promoting biodiversity development through the two cultural IPs of giant pandas and golden monkeys (referred to as "Shuangbao") in recent years.

Giant pandas and golden monkeys are China's first-class key protected wild animals and flagship species of world biodiversity conservation. In 2015, Xue Kang, who loves photography, started a shooting journey deep in the mountains and focused his lens on "Shuangbao".

Xue Kang, Vice President of All-China Philatelic Federation and Director of China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University

My research on the "Shuangbao" culture began with photography, I took a lot of photographic works, and also participated in some competitions and exhibitions, the purpose of which was to spread our love for giant pandas and golden monkeys through this form of images. Because behind every wonderful photo, it makes you look at it and makes you visually shocking.

【Commentary】In order to capture the delicate moments of giant pandas and golden monkeys, Xue Kang traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to Shenlongjia in Hubei, Shangri-La in Yunnan, Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou, Zhouzhi in Shaanxi and Jiuzhaigou, Pingwu, Tangjiahe and other places in Sichuan, recording the daily activities of giant pandas and golden monkeys at different times, accumulating a lot of information and materials.

Xue Kang, Vice President of All-China Philatelic Federation and Director of China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University

Golden monkeys and (big) pandas are not the same, (big) pandas We are currently (shooting) more (big) pandas we keep in captivity in protected areas, (shooting) to reduce the captive (big) panda as much as possible to reduce its artificial traces, using anthropomorphic ways to photograph it, that is, to be able to tell stories. Golden snub-nosed monkeys are generally (in) some places at an altitude of two or three thousand (meters), because the golden snub-nosed monkey is alive and jumping, and it is not easy to photograph its wonderful moments, and it takes a lot of hardship.

With his in-depth understanding of golden monkeys and giant pandas, Xue Kang began to explore new art forms. From 2020 to 2022, Xue Kang has compiled the "Golden Snub-nosed Monkey Stamp Guide" and "Giant Panda Stamp Collection Guide" through hundreds of materials such as "Double Treasure" thematic photography works and philatelic products, and released them to the world.

【Commentary】In addition, in recent years, Xue Kang has also brought his works to participate in relevant stamp exhibitions in France, Russia, Hong Kong and other places, or hold "Double Treasure Culture and Art Exhibition". He told the world over and over again the story of China's "double treasures" and the ecological story of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In this process, Xue Kang also completed the "butterfly transformation" of life from photography enthusiast to cultural communicator.

Xue Kang, Vice President of All-China Philatelic Federation and Director of China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University

We tell the "Shuangbao" culture well, and spread and popularize the "Shuangbao" culture well, which is a concrete embodiment of telling Chinese stories well. We want to arouse everyone's care, attention and love for our national treasures, our giant pandas and golden monkeys through the form of art. "Shuangbao" is an entry point, through the spread of "Shuangbao" culture is to enhance the motivation or influence of all of us on the ecological environment and biodiversity conservation, so that everyone can act together.

Today, 69-year-old Xue Kang is still rushing to protect and publicize giant pandas and golden monkeys, and the "Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed Monkeys" initiated and led by him has also entered the countdown to publication. Xue Kang said that in the future, he will further expand the scope of "Shuangbao" culture, so that more people can understand, pay attention to and participate in ecological environmental protection and promote the development of biodiversity.

Xue Kang, Vice President of All-China Philatelic Federation and Director of China Shuangbao Cultural Research Center of Chengdu University

In the next step, I would like to build on the existing ones, and we will hold lectures to spread ("Double Treasure" culture) on a wider scale. In terms of our cultural creativity, through our films, through our animation, or through some of our new media and other ways to disseminate and let more people know. Through the dissemination of our culture, let everyone pay more attention to our ecological environmental protection and promote the development of our biodiversity.

He Meikun reported from Chengdu, Sichuan

Responsible Editor: [Zhou Chi]