Teller Report

Disneyland Paris: a few hundred employees strike for a wage increase

5/23/2023, 2:30:55 PM

Highlights: More than 500 employees from different trades of the park went on strike on Tuesday morning. The strikers demanded a 200-euro increase per month, double payment for Sunday worked but also "improved working conditions" Disneyland Paris declined to comment. The majority union, the CFDT, had for its part obtained an anticipation of the mandatory annual negotiation (NAO) from October to the end of August. In a leaflet published Monday on its website, it asks management "to open negotiations on wages now"

Supported by the CGT, more than 500 employees from different trades of the park Disneyland  Paris went on strike on Tuesday morning. The strikers demanded an increase of 200 euros per month, double payment for Sunday worked but also "the improvement of working conditions".  Disneyland  Paris declined to comment.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credits: Benjamin Polge / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 16:13 p.m., May 23, 2023

Supported by the CGT, more than 500 employees from different trades of the Disneyland Paris park went on strike Tuesday morning. The strikers demanded a 200-euro increase per month, double payment for Sunday worked but also "improved working conditions". Disneyland Paris declined to comment.

A few hundred employees of different trades of the Disneyland Paris park went on strike Tuesday morning, supported by the CGT, to demand a wage increase of 200 euros and the double payment of Sundays worked. More than 500 employees from different trades in the park such as hotels, maintenance or security were on strike according to the CGT, which supports the movement. Disneyland Paris has 17,000 employees.

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The strikers demanded a 200-euro increase per month, double payment for Sunday worked but also "improved working conditions". Contacted by AFP, Disneyland Paris did not wish to comment.

Negotiations requested "now"

The majority union, the CFDT, had for its part obtained an anticipation of the mandatory annual negotiation (NAO) from October to the end of August. In a leaflet published Monday on its website, it asks management "to open negotiations on wages now".

"Despite the wage measures applied by the company from January 2022 (+3% general increase) and January 2023 (+5.5% for non-managerial employees and between 1 and 3% for executives depending on their eligibility for bonuses), we observe a crushing of wages due to the revaluation of minima following the increase in the SMIC," writes the union.