Teller Report

The Government allocated more than 13,000 euros to a study of climate risks from the gender perspective

5/22/2023, 11:48:56 AM

Highlights: The Government allocated 13,303.95 euros to the realization of the report'Climate risks from a gender perspective' The work, carried out by the company Red 2 Red Consultores, presented an offer for 10,995 euros without taxes. However, this was the only offer that was submitted to carry out the work commissioned by the Women's Institute. Spain led together with Peru the initiative to place the gender variable at the center of policies to combat climate change, holding in Madrid in December the COP25 Conference of the Parties.

The Government allocated 13,303.95 euros to the realization of the report ' Climate risks from a gender perspective. Perception, positioning and adaptation in women...

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The Government allocated 13,303.95 euros to the realization of the report 'Climate risks from the gender perspective. Perception, positioning and adaptation in women and men'.

The work, carried out by the company Red 2 Red Consultores, which presented an offer for 10,995 euros without taxes that with them rose to 13,303.95 euros. However, this was the only offer that was submitted to carry out the work commissioned by the Women's Institute.

This is stated in a written response of the Government to which Europa Press has had access to the question regarding the cost of said study raised by the parliamentary group Vox, which wanted to know the amount allocated by the budget of the Executive for this purpose.

The purpose of the contract, whose tender basis without taxes amounted to 12,000 euros, was to carry out a "diagnostic analysis from the gender perspective on the positioning of women and men, impacts, vulnerability, perception and management of risk in disaster situations due to climatic consequences and a document of proposals and recommendations".

The Government details in its response that the axes of action of the report are those aimed at climate-resilient development and that they provide greater benefits to the entire population, such as those conducive to reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions; access to energy and clean technologies that improve health, especially for women and children; low-carbon electrification; walking, cycling and public transport, to improve air quality, health and employment opportunities, while promoting equity.

Precisely, the Government emphasizes that "as in many other areas of life, the climate crisis is not gender-neutral", since numerous international reports support that women and girls around the world suffer the worst effects of climate change, which aggravates existing gender inequality and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, Health and safety.

The Executive also reminds Vox that at the UN Climate Action Summit held in New York on September 23, 2019, Spain led together with Peru the initiative to place the gender variable at the center of policies to combat climate change, holding in Madrid in December of the same year the COP25 Conference of the Parties.

Finally, she adds that as a result of the lack of sex-disaggregated data in the analysis of the subject, the Institute investigates gender gaps as a result of the climate crisis and the commissioned report comes after the analysis on gender and climate change carried out between 2019 and 2020.

  • Environment
  • Government of Spain

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