Teller Report

Kristianstad won the second Swedish Championship final – after super drama

5/22/2023, 8:40:20 PM

Highlights: Kristianstad won the second Swedish Championship final against Sävehof (45–44). After a spectacular drama in Partille. Ludvig Jurmala put Åström 34–33, but there were divided opinions about whether the ball had crossed the goal line in time. The judges discussed the situation and decided to drop the case. The final series is thus equalized to 1–1. It is decided over five games. Watch the sequence when Kristianstad gets a decisive goal disallowed in the player above.

Kristianstad won the second Swedish Championship final against Sävehof (45–44). After a spectacular drama in Partille. "Incredibly exciting match. The head feels like a tumble dryer, says Sävehof's coach Michael Apelgren in C More.

Monday's Swedish Championship final between Sävehof and Kristianstad was a thriller. It was decided after two extra times, 45–44 to Kristianstad.

However, the visitors looked to have won the match already in regular time. Then Ludvig Jurmala put Åström 34–33, but there were divided opinions about whether the ball had crossed the goal line in time.

Apelgren: "Absolutely damn safe"

The judges discussed the situation and decided to drop the case.

"I was pretty damn sure (that time was up). That's why I stood and behaved. It would have felt really unfair if there were goals there, says Sävehof's coach Michael Apelgren about the situation.

The final went to extra time. In the end, Kristianstad won.

"We show a hell of a morale. We have a lot against us but win the game, says Kristianstad's Albin Sellin in C More.

The final series is thus equalized to 1–1. It is decided over five games.

Reassuring news after the injury

Notably, Sävehof's star Elias Ellefsen á Skipagötu was led out with a suspected head injury during the match. However, coach Michael Apelgren gave reassuring news about his status after the game.

"He could have played on, but we judged he wasn't playing so well and kept him out," he said.

Watch the sequence when Kristianstad gets a decisive goal disallowed in the player above.

SEE MORE: Sävehof's star Elias Ellefsen á Skipagötu falls nasty to the floor

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Here Sävehof's star Elias Ellefsen á Skipagötu falls to the floor