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Immigration: Austria raises its voice over Hungary's decision on smugglers

5/22/2023, 10:29:03 PM

Highlights: Austria summoned the Hungarian ambassador to Vienna on Monday (May 22nd) after Hungary issued a decree providing for the release of hundreds of migrant smugglers with a view to their deportation. The tone is rising between these two neighboring countries, usually allies on the migration issue. Austria has already tightened border controls. "We have been warning for years that Viktor Orban is not a model, nor a partner on asylum issues," regretted the Social Democrats. The leader of the far-right party, Herbert Kickl, criticized Monday an "incomprehensible and unacceptable" decision.

Austria summoned the Hungarian ambassador to Vienna on Monday (May 22nd) after Hungary issued a decree providing for the release of hundreds of migrant smugglers with a view to their...

Immigration: Austria raises its voice over Hungary's decision on smugglers

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg on May 22, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. AP - Virginia Mayo

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Austria summoned the Hungarian ambassador to Vienna on Monday (May 22nd) after Hungary issued a decree providing for the release of hundreds of migrant smugglers with a view to their deportation. The tone is rising between these two neighboring countries, usually allies on the migration issue.


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With our correspondent in Vienna, Isaure Hiace

On Monday, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg summoned the Hungarian ambassador to Vienna to express his country's concern over Budapest's decision to release hundreds of convicted smugglers.

According to the text of the decree, which was published at the end of April, released smugglers are required to leave Hungarian territory within 72 hours. According to Alexander Schallenberg, Budapest's argument is that these foreign smugglers would cost Hungary too much, which he criticized, explaining that this decree was in contradiction with the hard line adopted so far by Hungary in the fight against smugglers.

Austria has already tightened border controls. Hungary's decision provoked a reaction in the Alpine Republic. "We have been warning for years that Viktor Orban is not a model, nor a partner on asylum issues," regretted the Social Democrats.

More astonishing is the reaction of the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austria's Freedom Fatherland). The leader of the far-right party, Herbert Kickl, who has not ceased in recent months to praise the model set up by Viktor Orban, criticized Monday an "incomprehensible and unacceptable" decision.

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  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • Immigration
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