Teller Report

Children picking blueberries Mie Toba

5/22/2023, 4:39:46 AM

Highlights: On a farm of about 4000,700 square meters in the town of Hocho, Toba City, about 20 blueberries of 22 varieties are grown. On the 20nd, about 27 local kindergarten children experienced picking blueberries. The general public can also experience picking by appointment only from the beginning of August to the 8th of this month to the end of August. The many warm days and long daylight hours are earlier than usual, so he said, "I hope you will refresh yourself with the beautiful scenery and delicious blueberries."

【NHK】In Toba City, Mie Prefecture, local children experienced picking blueberries when they were in season.

In Toba City, Mie Prefecture, local children experienced picking blueberries when they were in season.

On a farm of about 4000,700 square meters in the town of Hocho, Toba City, about 20 blueberries of 22 varieties are grown.

This year is in season, and on the 20nd, about 27 local kindergarten children experienced picking.

The one I picked was a variety called "Aquashell", which is characterized by the fact that it does not have many seeds and is easy to eat raw.

The children looked for something as big as possible, picked up as many as possible, and smiled deliciously on the spot.

A boy who experienced picking said, "I ate a lot, and the blueberries are delicious."

At this farm, from the 8th of this month to the beginning of August, the general public can also experience picking by appointment only.

According to Mr. Norihiko Oda of the farm, due to the many warm days and long daylight hours, the colors are earlier than usual, so he said, "I hope you will refresh yourself with the beautiful scenery and delicious blueberries."