Teller Report

She condemned what she described as "defaming her reputation". China says 'strong dissatisfaction' over Group of Seven statement

5/20/2023, 4:28:38 PM

Highlights: Beijing expresses "strong dissatisfaction" over a statement published by the Group of Seven criticizing it on the South China Sea and human rights. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman denounced "the Group of seven's insistence on manipulating China-related issues, discrediting and attacking China" The group called on China to "not interfere" in the affairs of its countries and expressed "concerns" on human rights, "especially in Tibet and Xinjiang" The signatories stressed the "importance of peace and stability" in. the Taiwan Strait, expressing "grave concern" over the situation in the South. China.

Beijing on Saturday expressed "strong dissatisfaction" over a statement published by the Group of Seven criticizing it on the South China Sea and human rights, accusing it of discrediting and attacking China.

Beijing on Saturday expressed "strong dissatisfaction" over a statement published by the Group of Seven criticizing it on the South China Sea and human rights, accusing it of discrediting and attacking China.

In a statement, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman denounced "the Group of Seven's insistence on manipulating China-related issues, discrediting and attacking China," adding that Beijing "strongly condemns" the matter.

China "expresses its strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition and lodged a formal protest with Japan, the summit host country, and with other relevant parties," the spokesman said.

On the Taiwan issue, the Chinese Foreign Ministry denounced the Group of Seven's insistence on accusing China without taking a clear position on Taiwanese independence movements.

"The Group of Seven has always maintained that it seeks a peaceful, stable and prosperous world, but in fact it hinders world peace, harms regional stability and curbs the development of other countries," the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

"This approach does not have the slightest international credibility."

Since Friday, a summit of leaders of the Group of Seven countries (which includes Canada, France, the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) has been held since Friday in the Japanese city of Hiroshima, with the participation of US President Joe Biden.

"Extremely worried"

A statement issued by the group called on China to "not interfere" in the affairs of its countries and expressed "concerns" on human rights, "especially in Tibet and Xinjiang."

The signatories stressed the "importance of peace and stability" in the Taiwan Strait, expressing "grave concern" over the situation in the South China Sea, and accusing Beijing of "militarism".

The Group of Seven statement also called on China to "pressure Russia to stop its military aggression and immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday that the decisions of the Group of Seven countries taken during their summit in Japan are aimed at "double containment" of Russia and China.

Lavrov added – in press statements during the meeting of the Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council – that the United States is using what is happening in Ukraine to strengthen its influence and subjugate others.

He said the West was pressuring Russia's neighbors to cut economic and investment ties with it, adding that "southern countries are ready to counter the dictates of the West, which have become more aggressive, including the threat of sanctions."