Teller Report

Fierce campaigns to distort it. "Palestinians of Europe" conference puts the latest touches on its twentieth session in Sweden

5/20/2023, 11:28:34 AM

Highlights: The Conference of Palestinians in Europe is scheduled for May 75 in Malmö, Sweden. The conference returns to live after 3 years of suspension due to the Corona pandemic. The focus of all its activities is the right of return, especially in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba. The organizers say that the conference will be divided into nine conferences, the most important of which is a conference for Palestinian youth in Europe, to think among themselves how to defend the cause.

The Swedish city of Malmö is preparing to host the twentieth edition of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe, which is considered one of the largest annual gatherings of Palestinians on the European continent.

The Swedish city of Malmö is preparing to host the twentieth session of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe, which is considered one of the largest annual gatherings of Palestinians on the European continent, and the choice of Sweden was not a coincidence, as it includes - according to the organizers of the conference - the second largest Palestinian community in Europe after Germany.

Twenty years after the organization of this conference, the organizers chose a slogan that emphasizes the main goal of organizing it two decades ago, which is to advocate for the right of return under the title "20 years... We are returning," the conference is scheduled for May 75.

The conference returns to live after 3 years of suspension due to the Corona pandemic, which makes the organizers count on a large public attendance of more than 18,<> people, which is the number recorded in the last conference before the pandemic.

Perhaps what surprised the organizers most during the preparations for this conference was the attack it was subjected to by some Palestinian media, accusing the conference of seeking an alternative to the Palestine Liberation Organization, which caused anger and annoyance among the organizing body of the conference.

A conference for all Palestine

In turn, the head of the Conference of Palestinians of Europe Amin Abu Rashid in an interview with Al Jazeera Net a picture of the phases of the conference, which is expected to witness "the presence of 20 thousand Palestinians of Europe, and the focus of all its activities is the right of return, especially in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba."

Abu Rashed said that the conference will be divided into nine conferences, the most important of which is a conference in English "dedicated to Palestinian youth in Europe, to think among themselves how to defend the cause and network among them to advocate for the right of return," in addition to a conference for Palestinian women in Europe, "and we have a workshop to think about forming a strong Palestinian lobby."

The conference will announce the launch of the "Creators" platform, a platform to celebrate all the distinguished Palestinian talents and talents in Europe, as well as the "Hand in Hand" platform, to demonstrate that the conference represents all colors of the Palestinian spectrum.

Regarding the attendance at this conference, Abu Rashid confirmed the presence of "representatives of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the Swedish Green Party, as well as representatives of Arab bodies in Europe, and of course the presence representing all Palestinian bodies and orientations."

Fierce campaign

Amin Abu Rashed expressed his great surprise at the attack on the Conference of Palestinians of Europe from some Palestinian media, "The conference is not born today and known to all, but the surprise for me is that for the first time in 19 years the Israeli lobby did not make any move in order to prevent the conference, and this year the Israeli element was absent, but the second surprise is that whoever attacked the conference came this time in a Palestinian color, and yet it is harmful and beneficial because what happened is Promote the conference and motivate people to participate intensively."

Abu Rashed stressed that the conference "will not change any point in its agenda as a result of this campaign", adding that those involved in this campaign "have been deceived and dragged behind incorrect information, while the charge of dividing the Palestinian ranks is flimsy because our goal is always unity".

For his part, Hussein Khader, head of the Palestinian Forum in Denmark and a member of the Board of Directors of the Conference of Palestinians of Europe in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that "attempts by the Israeli lobby to prevent the conference always fail, because we work within the framework of respect for international laws and conventions and raise the slogan of the right of return, a right recognized by the United Nations."

Hussein Khader addressed a message to those attacking the conference, saying, "In all previous conferences, representatives of the entire Palestinian body without exception attended and gave strong speeches and had a distinguished presence, so what has changed this year? In addition to Palestinian leaders and representatives of Palestinian Christians, the conference is for all Palestinians."

"First, in all our literature, we say that the PLO is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, but we also say that this organization needs to inject new blood and renewal and development after it has hit the pyramid," he said.

Khader added that the demand of the permanent conference "is to ensure that the Palestinian diaspora – especially in Europe and America – is represented within the PLO, so it is inconceivable that they should not have any representation in the PLO that represents all Palestinians."

Defending the right of return

Adnan Humaidan, vice president of the Palestinian Forum in Britain, said the forum is participating in the conference "to emphasize the importance of standing united in the face of plans to abolish the right of return and alternative homeland, Judaize holy sites, and in an effort to preserve the Palestinian identity and transfer the trust of caring for it to future generations who grow up in Europe away from their homeland and land."

Humaidan considered that this conference is "a gas station to renew loyalty and belonging to the cause, remind the constants of the Palestinian cause, and not to abandon Palestine no matter how long it takes, even if its occupation enters its 75th year."

Regarding the importance of the conference, he stressed that the conference is not only a Palestinian gathering, "but a forum for discussion and study in serving the cause strategically, facing the challenges of restricting it in the West, and discussing ways to invest in the increasing state of Western popular sympathy for the Palestinian right despite the official estrangement."