Teller Report

Arab League: Syrians in rebel-held areas protest against Assad's resumption

5/20/2023, 2:08:25 PM

Highlights: Hundreds have protested in northern Syria against the return of ruler Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League. Surprise guest Volodymyr Zelensky sharply criticized the unification at the summit in Saudi Arabia. In 2011, Assad's government cracked down on protests and in the ensuing civil war against the population. The ruler is accused of war crimes such as the use of poison gas and torture. As a result, Syria's membership in theArab League was suspended. The return to the league is a great symbolic success for him.

Hundreds have protested in northern Syria against the return of ruler Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League. Surprise guest Volodymyr Zelensky sharply criticized the unification at the summit in Saudi Arabia.

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In rebel-held areas in northwestern Syria, hundreds of people have demonstrated against Syria's readmission to the Arab League. They protested against ruler Bashar al-Assad in Azaz and Idlib, among other places. "The criminal Assad does not represent Syria," was one of the protest slogans.

MOHAMED YASSIN, demonstrator:

"The normalization of the Arab League towards Assad is a disgrace – that's why we're here today. How is it possible that Arab leaders welcome an arms dealer, child murderer and chemical weapons user? Someone who destroyed Syria and its civilization, stole the state and rigged the elections? I wonder what the Arab leaders are doing when they meet with this criminal?"

In 2011, Assad's government cracked down on protests and in the ensuing civil war against the population. The ruler is accused of war crimes such as the use of poison gas and torture. As a result, Syria's membership in the Arab League was suspended.

On Friday, Assad took part in a summit for the first time in more than ten years. The return to the league is a great symbolic success for him. Recently, several Arab countries - including the powerful Saudi Arabia - had pushed ahead with normalization. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave Assad a warm welcome. It is hoped that the resumption will bring about "stability" in Syria, he announced.

Assad spoke of a "historic opportunity for the region and the beginning of a new phase".

The Arab League also received a surprise guest: Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky travelled to Jeddah. In a speech, he accused several Arab countries of ignoring the Russian invasion of his country. Many Gulf states maintain good relations with Russia and are striving for neutrality in the Ukraine war. President Assad, in particular, counts Russia among his closest allies.