Teller Report

Taiwan reunification faction people call for exchanges and cooperation to promote integrated development and compatriots on both sides of the strait to seek peaceful reunification

5/18/2023, 3:59:15 PM

Highlights: The 18th Dajiang Forum, sponsored by the Central Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, was held in Beijing from 17 to 18. The forum reached a four-point consensus: the separatism of "Taiwan independence" runs counter to the broad will of the people on both sides of the strait; China's internal affairs brook no interference from external forces; The pace of cross-strait integration and development is unstoppable; Compatriots on both side of the Strait join hands to seek peaceful reunification.

Beijing, 5 May (ZXS) -- "The amount of exchanges and the quality of cross-strait relations are mutually causal, and the two sides of the strait should promote integrated development in exchanges and cooperation, carry out cross-strait consultations as soon as possible, and replace confrontation with dialogue." The 18th Dajiang Forum, sponsored by the Central Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, was held in Beijing from 17 to 18, Ji Xin, publisher of Taiwan's "Observation" magazine, said during the meeting.

This year's "Dajiang Forum" includes theme sharing sessions, think tank forums, unification forums and other activities. Over the past two days, more than 200 people from all walks of life on both sides of the strait have expressed their views on the theme of "promoting integrated development and seeking peaceful reunification." The forum reached a four-point consensus: the separatism of "Taiwan independence" runs counter to the broad will of the people on both sides of the strait; China's internal affairs brook no interference from external forces; The pace of cross-strait integration and development is unstoppable; Compatriots on both sides of the strait join hands to seek peaceful reunification and create the long-term well-being of the Chinese nation.

Ji Xin said: In recent years, the United States has intensified its "use of Taiwan to contain China," and the DPP authorities have "relied on the United States to seek independence" and resisted reunification with force. However, the majority of the Taiwan people believe that consultation is the only way for the two sides of the strait to avoid war and strive for peace.

Ji Xin believes that exploring the "two systems" Taiwan plan as soon as possible can win the hearts and minds of the Taiwan people. She said that the readers of the "Observation" magazine are very interested in the column "Two Systems for Taiwan" in the magazine, which shows that the people are eager to understand the connotation of "two systems."

Speaking about the current situation of cross-strait relations, Qi Jialin, chairman of the Taiwan Unification Alliance Party, said that in terms of economy, the mainland has a vast market and unlimited business opportunities, and cross-strait economic integration and development are a matter of course.

He said: The mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, compatriots on both sides of the strait are linked by blood and culture, and the current confrontation is caused by acquired and external factors and problems left over from history. The people on the island should unite to oppose interference by external forces and take the road of peaceful reunification. People from all walks of life on both sides of the strait should ponder how the two sides of the strait will be concretely connected and how to restore the correct historical memory after reunification, which will be of great benefit to the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue left over from history.

Zhou Hongqi, president of the Taiwan Political Victims Mutual Aid Association, delivered a speech via video link at the Taipei venue. He elaborated on the history of Taiwan compatriots' resistance to Japanese colonial rule, their participation in the Anti-Fascist War of Resistance Against Japan, the participation of progressives in the New Democratic Revolution after Taiwan's restoration, and the active integration of Taiwan compatriots into national development since reform and opening up. (End)