Teller Report

These are the most popular names in Spain in 2023

5/16/2023, 1:27:31 PM

Highlights: The most frequent names as male full names are Antonio (627,738 men), Manuel (553,117) and José (531,575) As for women, María Carmen (636,109 women), María (568,535) and Carmen (357,905) form the podium. The most common surnames are García (1,449,647), Rodríguez (926,207) and González (921,956)

The INE has updated its list of the most frequent names and surnames in Spain that corresponds to the census of January 1, 2022.

The INE has updated its list of the most frequent names and surnames in Spain that corresponds to the census of January 1, 2022.

The most frequent names as male full names are Antonio (627,738 men), Manuel (553,117) and José (531,575).

As for women, María Carmen (636,109 women), María (568,535) and Carmen (357,905) form the podium.


Between 2020 and 2021, the male names that have been given the most are Martín (3,459), Hugo (3,339) and Mateo (3,270), and the feminine ones are Lucía (3,643), Martina (3,042) and Sofía (2,998).

Screens inspire

While the name Nairobi, without being common, is not new, it has gained some popularity thanks to the character of Alba Flores in the series 'La Casa de Papel'. Between the years 2020 and 2021, 41 girls were born with this name.

And, despite the fact that in 2019 the final season of 'Game of Thrones' premiered, 443 girls named Arya were born between 2020 and 2021, in reference to the character of Arya Stark, played by Maisie Williams. Most were born in Barcelona (79) and Madrid (71).

The most common surnames

García (1,449,647), Rodríguez (926,207) and González (921,956) remain the most frequent surnames in Spain.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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