Teller Report

The Hungarian Foreign Ministry confirmed the blocking of military assistance to Ukraine from the European Peace Fund

5/16/2023, 7:27:47 PM

Highlights: Hungary has blocked the allocation of a tranche of military aid for Ukraine in the amount of €500 million from the European Peace Fund, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry confirmed. On May 4, the Ukrainian National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) declared the Hungarian banking group OTP Bank Group a "sponsor of the war" due to the work of a financial institution in Russia. As Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted, arms manufacturers and speculators are interested in continuing the conflict in Ukraine.

Hungary has blocked the allocation of a tranche of military aid for Ukraine in the amount of €500 million from the European Peace Fund, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry confirmed. In Budapest, they recalled the unfriendly actions of Kiev against the OTR bank.

"The Minister of Foreign Affairs [Péter Szijjártó] made it clear on Friday in Stockholm: it will be very difficult for Hungary to negotiate further financial and economic assistance and the sacrifices required for this until Ukraine removes the largest Hungarian bank from the list of international sponsors of the war," the press service of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry said.

Earlier, the Italian agency ANSA, citing a source, reported that Hungary had blocked the allocation of a new tranche for Ukraine from the European Peace Fund.

On May 4, the Ukrainian National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) declared the Hungarian banking group OTP Bank Group a "sponsor of the war" due to the work of a financial institution in Russia.

As Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted, arms manufacturers and speculators are interested in continuing the conflict in Ukraine.