Teller Report

Pension reform: the majority brandishes the Constitution to block a text of abrogation

5/16/2023, 1:48:05 PM

Highlights: The three political groups of the presidential camp in the Assembly agreed on Tuesday to resort to the argument of "financial inadmissibility" The three group bosses gathered their troops in the morning to agree on the strategy to adopt in the face of this repeal text. The text was declared admissible when it was tabled by a competent delegation from the Bureau of the institution, in accordance with the practice that this first filter should not be too restrictive for legislative proposals. The leaders of the majority called "responsibility" the deputy Insoumise Eric Coquerel, president of the Finance Committee.

During a press conference at the Palais Bourbon, Aurore Bergé, accompanied by Laurent Marcangeli and Jean-Paul Mattei, hammered that the bill tabled by the Liot group of deputies was inadmissible. The three political groups in the presidential camp in the Assembly agreed on Tuesday to resort to the argument of "financial inadmissibility".

Europe 1 with AFP 15:41 p.m., May 16, 2023

During a press conference at the Palais Bourbon, Aurore Bergé, accompanied by Laurent Marcangeli and Jean-Paul Mattei, hammered that the bill tabled by the Liot group of deputies was inadmissible. The three political groups of the presidential camp in the Assembly agreed on Tuesday to resort to the argument of "financial inadmissibility".

The three political groups of the presidential camp in the Assembly agreed on Tuesday to use the argument of the "financial inadmissibility" of a text repealing the pension reform, in the name of the Constitution, to prevent it from being voted in the hemicycle on June 8. "There is no doubt about the inadmissibility" of this bill tabled by the group of deputies Liot, hammered the leader of the deputies Renaissance Aurore Bergé, during a press conference at the Palais Bourbon, alongside her counterparts Laurent Marcangeli (Horizons) and Jean-Paul Mattei (Modem).

>> READ ALSO - Pensions: Liot group's proposal to repeal reform 'will change absolutely nothing', says Maillard

"Article 40 of the Constitution must apply"

The three group bosses had gathered their troops in the morning to agree on the strategy to adopt in the face of this repeal text, which has a good chance of being adopted if there is a vote on June 8, thanks in particular to the votes of the left and the RN, and probably some LR deputies. "Article 40 of the Constitution must apply," insisted Jean-Paul Mattei, referring to the constitutional rule that a proposal from parliamentarians cannot deteriorate public finances. But the one in question would have an impact of "22 billion euros", according to Aurore Bergé.

Laurent Marcangeli for his part castigated the "populist attitude" of the MPs of the independent group Liot, noting that its leaders had in the past supported retirement at 64 and had championed the control of public spending. Invoking the argument of financial admissibility to prevent a vote from taking place promises tough legal and political jousting, because of the different possible interpretations of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure. The text was declared admissible when it was tabled by a competent delegation from the Bureau of the institution, in accordance with the practice that this first filter should not be too restrictive for legislative proposals.

>> READ ALSO - Pensions: Liot MPs denounce "maneuvers" around their repeal text

Eric Coquerel, reluctant to block

And the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, refused to question this first decision, a position welcomed by the left. "Nothing prevents this control from being exercised now, the rules of procedure allow any MEP to refer the matter to the chairman of the Finance Committee or the budget rapporteur," said Aurore Bergé, stressing that Article 40 could be invoked at any time, including when examining a text in session. The leaders of the majority called "responsibility" the deputy Insoumise Eric Coquerel, president of the Finance Committee, reluctant to block the text of the Liot.