Teller Report

Germany: five people sentenced for the heist of the century at the Dresden museum

5/16/2023, 1:27:20 PM

Highlights: The spectacular theft of jewelry and other diamonds from a famous museum in Dresden, Germany in November 2019 had been described as the heist of the century. Pieces of almost inestimable historical and cultural value that belonged to the Saxony court had disappeared. Five of the six defendants on the benches of the Dresden court are also first cousins. Police did not advance for a year before arresting the first three suspects. Another coup de théâtre at the end of 2022 with the reappearance of a good part of the loot following a "deal" with the accused.

The spectacular theft of jewelry and other diamonds from a famous museum in Dresden, Germany in November 2019 had been described as the heist of the century. Pieces of historical and cultural value...

Germany: five people sentenced for the heist of the century at the Dresden museum

In front of the special room of the Dresden Regional Court, Tuesday, May 16, 2023, where the trial concerning the theft of jewelry was held. AP - Sebastian Kahnert

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1 min

The spectacular theft of jewelry and other diamonds from a famous museum in Dresden, Germany in November 2019 had been described as the heist of the century. Pieces of almost inestimable historical and cultural value that belonged to the Saxony court had disappeared.


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With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

School trips are not useless. It was an acquaintance, impressed by the visit with his class to the famous Grünes Gewölbe or "Green Vault" of Dresden, which had aroused the interest of the Remmo clan.

The reputation of this Berlin criminal gang of Lebanese origin is well established. He had previously been involved in the spectacular theft of a giant 100-kilo gold coin from a Berlin museum. Five of the six defendants on the benches of the Dresden court are also first cousins. It is therefore with family that the heist of the century at the Dresden museum took place in November 2019 with the theft of jewelry and other diamonds estimated at more than 100 million euros.

Lighter sentences

Police did not advance for a year before arresting the first three suspects. Another coup de théâtre at the end of 2022 with the reappearance of a good part of the loot following a "deal" with the accused. Deal that also allowed them to receive Tuesday, May 16 in Dresden lighter sentences, between four and six years in prison, less than the ten years they incurred.

Not all stolen parts have reappeared. And those that were found were partly damaged or incomplete. The Dresden Museum has since stepped up its security arrangements.

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