Teller Report

Sánchez appropriates the "defeat" of ETA to attack the PP

5/15/2023, 6:17:41 PM

Highlights: President Pedro Sánchez has appropriated the "defeat of ETA" to counter the criticism he has received even from his own party for his pacts with EH Bildu. "We defeated ETA and the right cannot stand that," he said in Vitoria, just a dozen kilometers away from Legutio, one of the municipalities in which Eh Bildu presents a convicted murderer as a candidate. The leader of the Basque Socialists Eneko Andueza has made clear his loyalty to the President.

President Pedro Sánchez has appropriated the "defeat of ETA" to counter the criticism he has received even from his own party for his pacts with EH...

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President Pedro Sánchez has appropriated the "defeat of ETA" to counter the criticism he has received even from his own party for his pacts with EH Bildu. "They always use the same argument that is ETA," said Sánchez while highlighting the social achievements of his Executive with economic data or reforms in pensions or labor reform.

"We defeated ETA and the right cannot stand that," Sánchez said in Vitoria, just a dozen kilometers away from Legutio, one of the municipalities in which EH Bildu presents a convicted murderer as a candidate.

Sánchez has started his speech with the accusation that the PP uses ETA as the only electoral argument. And he has attributed to the Government of Rodríguez Zapatero, to Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba and, even, to the lehendakari Patxi López the "defeat" of ETA placing it in 2011 despite the fact that the dissolution of the band occurred in May 2018.

Sánchez has denounced that the PP uses the "apocalypse" to make its campaign against its commitment to the "useful policy" that has materialized in the announcements that practically in each rally makes during this electoral campaign. "I do not announce, I do" Sánchez has warned before advancing two new measures approved by his Government in the middle of the electoral campaign.

The first announcement is the elimination of cancer patients having to renew their driving licenses every three years. In addition, the Executive of Sánchez will reduce from 15 to five years the contribution period that is now required of workers with more than 45% capacity to collect a pension.

"The right wants to repeal sanchismo but they are wrong because they want to go back to Spain 10 years ago," he said in relation to the pension reform.

"We are going to be the first political force again; that no one stays at home, "Sanchez claimed in his farewell to a dedicated audience.

Sánchez wanted to turn the pediment of the Vitorian neighborhood of Lakua into the talisman with which to promote the socialist candidate Maider Etxebarria to the Mayor of Vitoria. And he has done it surrounded by the leadership of the Basque PSOE led by Eneko Andueza but also by mayors such as Jon Iraola of Eibar – sitting in the second row next to the stage – who have made EH Bildu their preferred partner.

But the Basque Socialists, like their secretary general, try to avoid the political and social controversy over the presence of 44 convicted for their links with ETA in the lists of EH Bildu.

Sánchez has found a crowded fronton with almost a thousand members and supporters distributed between the stands, the chairs on the court, the corridors and in each of the holes of this sports venue. A space in which Sánchez already endorsed on November 5, 2022 to Etxebarria, the hope of the Basque Socialists to snatch the Mayor's Office of the capital of Alava from the PNV. According to all the polls, the candidates of PNV, EH Bildu, the Basque PSOER and PP are practically tied when there are barely ten days left before the polls open.


The leader of the Basque Socialists Eneko Andueza has made clear his loyalty to Sánchez 24 hours after the departure of Emiliano García-Page on his radical refusal to agree with the coalition of Otegi. "The Basque Socialists, especially, we are with you, at the foot of the canyon, until the end," Andueza reassured the President of the Government who had limited himself to describing as "indecent" the presence of ETA in the lists of his parliamentary partner in the Cortes Generales.

The candidate for Mayor of Vitoria Maider Etxebarria has had the opportunity to question the presence of ETA in the lists of EH Bildu, but has preferred to ignore it to question only its inability to manage. "They are chaos; the paralysis as they already demonstrated in San Sebastian between 2011 and 2015 when the people of San Sebastian decided to throw them out," said Etxebarria who has in Rocío Vitero (EH Bildu) his rival among left-wing voters in Vitoria.

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