Teller Report

Big party with electoral aroma (and echoes of Bildu) in Cibeles: "The PSOE should break its pact if it had dignity"

5/15/2023, 3:18:39 PM

Highlights: Two weeks before 28-M, under its Crystal Gallery the candidates were parading, who digested, each in their own way, according to their interests, the results of the latest polls. They paraded, some dressed in chulapos, with their red or white carnations. Some, giving reply to the mayor, who had already done it early in the morning, before starting the mass in the Collegiate Church of San Isidro, on Toledo Street. There, he recalled the pact between Bildu and the Socialist Party.

In the Palacio de Cibeles there was a charged electoral atmosphere. Two weeks after 28-M, under its Crystal Gallery the candidates were parading, who digested, each one to...

In the Palacio de Cibeles there was a charged electoral atmosphere. Two weeks before 28-M, under its Crystal Gallery the candidates were parading, who digested, each in their own way, according to their interests, the results of the latest polls. They asked about the polls that are to come. They paraded, some dressed in chulapos, with their red or white carnations. Enma López, campaign coordinator of Reyes Maroto and councilor of the PSOE, and Luis Cueto, candidate for Recupera Madrid, embroidered the attire that demanded the day of San Isidro, the big party of Madrid.

Of the candidates for the City Council, only Roberto Sotomayor (Podemos) was missing, who raised his voice from the prairie. Except for José Luis Martínez-Almeida, all accessed through the entrance of Montalbán Street. And everyone was taking the floor. Some, giving reply to the mayor, who had already done it early in the morning, before starting the mass in the Collegiate Church of San Isidro, on Toledo Street. There, he recalled the pact between Bildu and the Socialist Party. "Any party that has pacts with Bildu, especially the PSOE, should break them if it had a minimum of dignity and respect for the victims of terrorism," he said before the Eucharist.

A message that he would repeat hours later, upon his arrival at the San Isidro prairie. "It would be necessary to make a clear legal reform that leaves no doubt that people who have blood crimes or have been convicted of collaborating with a terrorist organization cannot be carried on lists," the councilor asked twice.

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Martínez-Almeida: "Sánchez knows that there is a high degree of rejection towards him in Madrid"

  • Writing: CARLOS GUISASOLA Madrid
  • Writing: JAIME RODRÍGUEZ Madrid

Martínez-Almeida: "Sánchez knows that there is a high degree of rejection towards him in Madrid"

A message that, logically, reached the ears of Reyes Maroto. The former minister burst in minutes before noon (she left the premises at 12.30) and responded harshly: "It is regrettable that in the party of the people of Madrid he has made reference to ETA and Bildu. If he wants to change the laws, let him do what Ayuso also seems to want, and that is to go into national politics. In Madrid Bildu is not governing, so let's work for this city, let's agree on what the people of Madrid need and let the victims of ETA rest, because we have all suffered, "proclaimed the socialist candidate, before entering the walls of the Palacio de Cibeles.

Before heading to the meadow of San Isidro, to meet Mónica García, Rita Maestre (Más Madrid) also left her electoral track. "I ask the people of Madrid to vote thinking about who wants more, who wants better and who is going to work best for their city. These are municipal elections and we want to talk about Madrid, Madrid and Madrid again."

The Return of Ortega Smith

Just like the deputy mayor, Begoña Villacís (Citizens), who arrived with the right time, because the protocol had made her an active part of the medal ceremony of the City Council. "We have put Madrid in the place it deserves, that we are going to fight for four more years," was the message he left, echoed by the polls. Some see the salvation of Ciudadanos as possible, some others do not.

Almeida gives condolences to Ortega Smith.MARISCALEFE

And Ortega Smith, who reappeared after a few hard days of silence for the sudden death of his younger brother, insisted in his electoral proclamation that Vox will be decisive for the Government of the capital: "Most Madrilenians know that there is going to be an important change and they know that Vox is needed, which is the only guarantee."

There paraded Esperanza Aguirre, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros and a good part of the mayors of the capital and presidents of the Community, there was also Isabel Díaz Ayuso, of course. While on the dais, the winners smiled with their medals. With his own or with those of his ancestors, as was the case of Rubén Buren, great-grandson of the anarchist mayor of Madrid Melchor Rodríguez García known as the 'Red Angel', who received the Gold Medal posthumously. Identical category as the singer Alaska or the journalist Ana Rosa.

The playwright, essayist and theater director Juan Mayorga, Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, painter of battles and resident of the city, the bullfighter Julián López, 'El Juli' and the Madrid designer Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada will also receive awards. Also the dancer and choreographer Blanca del Rey, the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation, the Casa del Libro, the writer Antonio Pau, Lideresas de Villaverde, Plena Inclusión Madrid, Clemente González Soler (president of the Alibérico group) and the Hermandad del Cristo de Medinaceli.

It was the feast of San Isidro away from the prairie, which closed with an 11-page speech by Almeida. With that 28-M background that heats the ambient temperature. This time there was no one who wanted to skip protocol.

  • Articles Daniel J. Ollero
  • Articles Carlos Guisasola
  • Madrid Elections

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