Teller Report

The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong condemned the US "report" to smear the Hong Kong National Security Law and the SAR's judicial system

5/14/2023, 12:57:00 PM

Highlights: Some US politicians concocted and published so-called "reports" to wantonly smear the Hong Kong National Security Law and the judicial system of the HKSAR. The spokesman stressed that the rule of law is the core value of Hong Kong society, and that strict law enforcement and prosecution of violations of the law and equality before the law are the golden rule that any society ruled by law enshrines. Hong Kong's "2022 Rule of Law Index" global ranking continued to remain high, and "order and security" ranked higher and ranked sixth in the world.

The spokesman pointed out that law is the most important instrument of governing the country, adhering to the rule of law in Hong Kong is an important experience of the successful practice of "one country, two systems", and upholding the spirit of the rule of law and judicial system in Hong Kong is the proper meaning of adhering to "one country, two systems". The spokesman stressed that the rule of law is the core value of Hong Kong society, and that strict law enforcement and prosecution of violations of the law and equality before the law are the golden rule that any society ruled by law enshrines.

Hong Kong, 5 May (ZXS) -- A spokesman for the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region said on 14 May that some US politicians concocted and published so-called "reports" to wantonly smear the Hong Kong National Security Law and the judicial system of the HKSAR, and to call for sanctions against Hong Kong National Security Law judges, is another gross interference in China's internal affairs and Hong Kong affairs, and is an unreasonable accusation against Hong Kong's spirit of rule of law and judicial system.

The spokesman pointed out that law is the most important instrument of governing the country, adhering to the rule of law in Hong Kong is an important experience of the successful practice of "one country, two systems", and upholding the spirit of the rule of law and judicial system in Hong Kong is the proper meaning of adhering to "one country, two systems". In 2020, in response to serious problems and grim situations such as the imperfection of Hong Kong's system and mechanism for safeguarding national security exposed by the "storm over the amendment of the extradition bill" in Hong Kong, the central government enacted and implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law, effectively safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong's "2022 Rule of Law Index" global ranking continued to remain high, and "order and security" ranked higher and ranked sixth in the world, fully demonstrating the international community's recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

The spokesman said: We have noted that in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law, the judicial organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region take facts as the basis and the law as the criterion, follow legal procedures to handle cases impartially and independently, and handle cases involving national security objectively and fairly. After US politicians clamored for so-called "sanctions," the spokesman of the judiciary solemnly responded that all judges and judicial personnel will abide by the judicial oath, abide by the law, and uphold judicial justice in the spirit of fearlessness, impartiality, selflessness and deception, and in strict accordance with legal principles. We strongly support this.

The spokesman stressed that the rule of law is the core value of Hong Kong society, and that strict law enforcement and prosecution of violations of the law and equality before the law are the golden rule that any society ruled by law enshrines. The United States has a bad record on human rights, but some politicians openly point fingers at Hong Kong, China, which ranks higher in the rule of law and freedom, and attack and slander, fully exposing its ugly features and naked double standards of interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the guise of "democracy and rule of law."

The spokesman said that US politicians brazenly wielding the stick of sanctions against Hong Kong's judicial organs and judges, in an attempt to obstruct the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, undermine Hong Kong's judicial order, and interfere with judges' independent adjudication, is a naked blasphemy against the spirit of the rule of law and a malicious trampling on international law and basic norms governing international relations. The determination of all Chinese people, including the vast number of Hong Kong compatriots, to safeguard national sovereignty, security, development interests and Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability is rock-solid, and will never waver in the slightest by threats and intimidation by any foreign and external forces. (End)