Teller Report

Legislative elections in Thailand: the opposition given winner according to partial results

5/14/2023, 3:56:50 PM

Highlights: The general elections took place this Sunday, May 14 in Thailand. The first partial results give the opposition largely winning against the conservative parties and close to the military. The participation rate would approach 80%, according to initial estimates. It remains to be seen whether conservative political elites and the military will easily accept this 180-degree turn in Thai politics, and for how long. The opposition is divided between Pheu Thai, a traditional "red" party, said populist and supported by the vote of the rice campaigns of the Northeast.

The general elections took place this Sunday, May 14 in Thailand. The first partial results give the opposition largely winning against the conservative parties and close to the military....

Legislative elections in Thailand: the opposition given winner according to partial results

Supporters of the Move Forward party welcome the first partial results of Thailand's parliamentary elections on May 14, 2023 in Bangkok. AP - Sakchai Lalit

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The general elections took place this Sunday, May 14 in Thailand. The first partial results give the opposition largely winning against the conservative parties and close to the military. This would be a radical change for the country's politics.


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With our correspondent in Bangkok, Carole Isoux

Election Day was packed with palpable enthusiasm, with the elections representing an opportunity to bring back an elected government after nine years of rule by the army and pro-military parties. The participation rate would approach 80%, according to initial estimates.

According to partial results, out of about 30% of ballots counted, the opposition is given as the clear winner, divided between Pheu Thai, a traditional "red" party, said populist and supported by the vote of the rice campaigns of the Northeast, and the Move Forward party, that of the youth, which seems to have won an excellent score. This is probably the biggest surprise of this election.

If these results were confirmed, a red-orange alliance, liberal and reformist, would emerge. It remains to be seen whether conservative political elites and the military will easily accept this 180-degree turn in Thai politics, and for how long.

" READ ALSO – Legislative in Thailand: the challenge is "the democratic advance or not"

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