Teller Report

They investigate the spill of one million liters of palm oil in a stream of Santa Perpètua

5/13/2023, 5:06:33 PM

Highlights: A leak in a silo of the oil management company Lipids Santiga, S.A. (LIPSA) has caused a spill of a million liters of palm oil to the Seca stream. The City Council of Santa Perpètua has activated the Municipal Emergency Plan for this spill. Although it is not toxic, it dyed the stream yellow. "Possible affectations" of this ecological emergency are also investigated, according to the Consistory of Civil Protection.

Ecological emergency. A leak in a silo of the oil management company Lipids Santiga, S.A. (LIPSA) has caused this Saturday a spill of a miillon liters ...

Ecological emergency. A leak in a silo of the oil management company Lipids Santiga, S.A. (LIPSA) has caused this Saturday a spill of a million liters of palm oil, according to Civil Protection, to the Seca stream as it passes through Santa Perpètua de la Mogoda. The Bombers of the Generalitat have gone to the area to prevent the structure from collapsing while the containment plans of the spill were activated and that it does not expand.

The City Council of Santa Perpètua has activated the Municipal Emergency Plan for this spill and, although it is not toxic, it dyed the stream yellow.

However, members of the Local Police, operators of the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and firefighters work to clean the area and so that the lipid discharge extends to the Besòs River. "Possible affectations" of this ecological emergency are also investigated, according to the Consistory.

Civil Protection reports that it has put the Procicat plan on pre-alert for this spill and that containment and cleaning tasks are being carried out in the stream between the municipalities of Santa Perpètua and La Llagosta. In total, the discharge of 1,000 cubic meters of oil is calculated, which is equivalent to one million liters.

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