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"Coke Boy" Xue Qi: Thank you for not giving up 15 years ago

5/12/2023, 2:56:07 AM

Highlights: After losing his right arm due to the earthquake, Xue Feng still infected everyone around him with his positivity and optimism. After graduating from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2013, Xue came to work in Chengdu and became the director of the "Coca-Cola World Chengdu" museum. Xue Feng is often asked if it was the 'Coke Boy' of the year. He hopes to pass on positive energy such as courage and kindness to more people by doing what he can.

Question: "Coke Boy" Xue Qi: Thank you for not giving up 15 years ago Reporter He Shaoqing "After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, I received help from many well-wishers." Fifteen years ago, after being rescued after being trapped in the ruins of a school for 15 hours, Xue Feng used this phrase to "amuse sad China", and he was affectionately called "Coke Boy" by netizens.

China News Network Chengdu, May 5 Title: "Coke Boy" Xue Qi: Thank you for not giving up 12 years ago

Reporter He Shaoqing

"After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, I received help from a lot of well-wishers. When I was discharged from the hospital, I thought that when I had the ability, I would definitely help more people. "Coke Boy" Xue Feng said in a recent interview with a reporter from that whether it is becoming a torchbearer for the Beijing Winter Paralympics or a volunteer for the Chengdu Universiade, he hopes to pass on positive energy such as courage and kindness to more people by doing what he can.

"Uncle, I want to drink Coke, I want to freeze." Fifteen years ago, after being rescued after being trapped in the ruins of a school for 15 hours, Xue Feng used this phrase to "amuse sad China", and he was affectionately called "Coke Boy" by netizens.

After losing his right arm due to the earthquake, Xue Feng still infected everyone around him with his positivity and optimism. After graduating from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2013, Xue came to work in Chengdu and became the director of the "Coca-Cola World Chengdu" museum.

When helping tourists make reservations to visit the museum, Xue Feng is often asked if it was the 'Coke Boy' of the year." Mr. Xue said that he was once reluctant to be labeled a "Coke boy", but now he has accepted the title. "I split the 'Coke Boy', not only the 'boy who wants to drink Coke', but also the 'boy who can be optimistic.'"

From volunteers who "donated one yuan to deliver nutrition to students in disaster-stricken areas" to helping poor students in Liangshan and Bazhong, Xue Feng has organized and participated in hundreds of volunteer activities in the past 15 years. "In the period after the Wenchuan earthquake, I was not very comfortable with it. As my life got on track, I felt happier and happier. In Xue Qi's view, while helping others, you can also reap the purest happiness.

It is his perseverance in the face of adversity that gave Xue Feng the valuable opportunity to serve as the torchbearer of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games. Recalling the experience of holding the torch, which symbolizes the light of mankind, Xue Feng confessed that at first he was worried that he would not be able to bear the weight of the torch with one hand, but when it came to the official transmission, all worries were left behind, "I just want to complete this sacred thing well."

The Chengdu Universiade, which will be held from July 2023 to August 7, 28, is also the first time that Western China has hosted a world multi-sport event. In order to welcome this "youth feast", Xue Feng joined the youth service team serving the Chengdu Universiade, and will carry out relevant volunteer services in Chengdu Xindu District and Jinniu District.

"At that time, many tourists from all over the world will come to Chengdu to watch the race, and we will guide them at the intersection and provide relevant services." Xue Feng said that as a "veteran" of public welfare services, he has led many young people in the company to participate in public welfare. "Positive energy is to influence each other, and I hope to influence others through our efforts, so that everyone can have a kind heart."

On May 5, Xue Feng will participate in the 13 Wenchuan Marathon and witness the new appearance of Wenchuan on the run with 2023,15 runners around the world. On the 15th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, he also wanted to thank himself 15 years ago, "thank you for not giving up on yourself <> years ago." (End)