Teller Report

This is how the Football Association in Blekinge acts after the violent incidents

5/11/2023, 2:56:33 PM

Highlights: Blekinge Football Association planning for more measures to continue its quest for zero tolerance for violence on the pitch. In the space of two weeks, three football players have been suspended after violent incidents during matches. Sven-Olle Persson: "It may be naïve to think that you will reach zero, but you have to constantly work with these issues" We are also discussing creating a so-called fair play staircase for next season, says Persson, when SVT Nyheter Blekinges meets him on Thursday.

In the space of two weeks, three football players have been suspended after violent incidents during matches in Blekinge. Now the Blekinge Football Association is planning for more measures to continue its quest for zero tolerance for violence on the pitch.

A young football player scolded an opponent when two Blekinge teams met in early May. The punishment was suspended for seven months from all football and Sven-Olle Persson, chairman of the disciplinary committee, said at the time that it is the most severe punishment he has been involved in condemning.

And then no more than two weeks passed, then came the next incident – a bloody fight between two people in the middle of the game.

– We take this very seriously, says Sven-Olle Persson, when SVT Nyheter Blekinge meets him on Thursday.

Zero tolerance project

After several serious expulsions, the Blekinge Football Association already in 2018 created something called Zero Tolerance 2.0 – a project that resulted in the number of expulsions being more than halved for the following season.

But this work will now evolve, after the incidents of recent weeks.

"It may be naïve to think that you will reach zero, but you have to constantly work with these issues. It can be mailings to all associations, association visits and information. We are also discussing creating a so-called fair play staircase for next season.