Teller Report

Bertín Osborne calms the controversy over his program with Jesulín: "We have not talked about Belén Esteban because he asked me to"

5/11/2023, 6:36:12 PM

Highlights: Bertín Osborne returns to television with a new season of 'Mi casa es la tuya' and he does it with an interview with the extorero Jesulín de Ubrique that has raised a lot of controversy. Belén Esteban, who was the partner of the right-hander, wanted to anticipate the broadcast of the program attacking both for what could have been said. Bertín, in the presentation of the new documentary of LaLiga Genuine, "Fans of the real", wanted to calm the controversy, confessing that in the interview Belén is not mentioned.

Bertín Osborne returns to television with a new season of ' My house is yours' and he does it with an interview with the extorero Jesulín de Ubrique that has raised...

Bertín Osborne returns to television with a new season of 'Mi casa es la tuya' and does so with an interview with the extorero Jesulín de Ubrique that has raised a lot of controversy.

And it is that, Belén Esteban, who was the partner of the right-hander, wanted to anticipate the broadcast of the program attacking both for what could have been said in this: "Jesulín is a graceful, he sells a happiness that he does not have. I think it's very good that he goes on TV, but here you can not talk about María José Campanario and he can go to the Martyr Osborne program, "said the collaborator in Save me.

However, Bertín, in the presentation of the new documentary of LaLiga Genuine, "Fans of the real", wanted to calm the controversy, confessing that in the interview Belén is not mentioned and that he has confirmed it to her through a message.

"Jesulín is very funny and in the interview we review his life in a relaxed way. We did not talk about Belén Esteban or her daughter because he asked me, I had to tell her to calm down," he explained.

As for his personal life, Bertín, despite not wanting to deal in depth with the subject of his new love, has confirmed that he sees himself "frequently" with the model Gabriela Guillém, whom he says he is "knowing", something that is normal for him "after being two and a half years single".

In the act, the singer has confirmed that characters such as Nacho Cano, Carlos Herrera or Ana Obregón, of which presenter affirms that "it will surprise", will be some of the interviewees in this new season of "Mi casa es la tuya".

  • Bethlehem Stephen
  • Ana Obregon
  • Bertin Osborne
  • Save me
  • Carlos Herrera

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