Teller Report

10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative: The Green Silk Road has achieved fruitful results

5/11/2023, 3:05:58 PM

Highlights: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. China has always integrated the concept of green development into all aspects of the "Belt and Road" process. With the joint efforts of China and all parties, the construction of the Green Silk Road has achieved fruitful results. The top-level design has been continuously improved, the circle of friends has been expanded, and the pragmatic cooperation has been deepened. In the past decade, more than 10 countries and more than 150 international organizations have participated in international cooperation.

Ding Jie, first-level inspector of the Department of Regional Opening of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that green is the background color of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and China has always integrated the concept of green development into all aspects of the "Belt and Road" process. With the joint efforts of China and all parties, the construction of the Green Silk Road has achieved fruitful results, the top-level design has been continuously improved, the circle of friends has been expanded, and the pragmatic cooperation has been deepened.

Beijing, May 5 (ZXS) -- Li Kexin, director of the Department of International Economy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said at the "Belt and Road" Green Development Roundtable and the "Belt and Road" Green Development International Alliance General Assembly held in Beijing on 10 May that over the past decade, more than 10 countries and more than 150 international organizations have participated in international cooperation on the "Belt and Road", built the world's largest international economic cooperation platform, discussed and shared the concept of sharing has been widely practiced, and the concept of open green connection has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the past decade, the construction of the Green Silk Road has achieved fruitful results.

As of January 2023, China has signed more than 1 cooperation documents with 151 countries and 32 international organizations to jointly build the Belt and Road.

Li Kexin said that green development is the development direction of countries along the "Belt and Road" and the development direction of China, and it also brings new hope for the sustainable growth of the world economy and provides new impetus for promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals to return to the right track and accelerate progress.

Ding Jie, first-level inspector of the Department of Regional Opening of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that green is the background color of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and China has always integrated the concept of green development into all aspects of the "Belt and Road" process. With the joint efforts of China and all parties, the construction of the Green Silk Road has achieved fruitful results, the top-level design has been continuously improved, the circle of friends has been expanded, and the pragmatic cooperation has been deepened.

Ding Jie said that the current major changes in the world unprecedented in a century have accelerated the evolution, energy green and low-carbon transformation, climate change and other global attention has become the focus of global attention, and the call to accelerate energy transformation and promote green development is more urgent, requiring the joint efforts of all parties to deal with it.

Steele, President and CEO of Bezos Earth Fund and co-chair of the Belt and Road International Alliance for Green Development (the Alliance), pointed out that there have been two important transformations in the past decade: first, the development of renewable energy has been much faster than expected, and China has played a central role in it; Second, a revolution in knowledge and intellectual development. China is at the center of knowledge innovation, long before other countries recognize the importance of green development, especially green BRI cooperation. At present, all countries under the BRI need to implement the Determined Contributions (NDC) targets, and if China can use the BRI to invest in green technologies and countries to implement NDC targets, it will be of great significance to the whole world.

Han Peidong, CEO of Children's Investment Foundation (UK) and chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Alliance, said that the Belt and Road Initiative has played an important role in promoting economic growth and infrastructure construction in the joint countries, and suggested that the joint countries strengthen cooperation in green finance, technology development and other fields.

Kevin Gallagher, a professor at Boston University in the United States, said that in the past decade, the "Belt and Road" has brought great benefits to developing countries and the world economy, not only promoting connectivity through energy and infrastructure construction, bringing better energy access to the global poor, but also releasing huge potential and greatly promoting the economic growth of the jointly built countries. (End)