Teller Report

Ukraine: war crimes investigation opened in France after death of journalist Arman Soldin

5/10/2023, 5:15:44 PM

Highlights: An investigation was opened Wednesday for war crimes after the death Tuesday in Ukraine of AFP journalist Arman Soldin. Soldin was killed Tuesday at the age of 32 by a salvo of Grad rockets near Bakhmut, epicenter of fighting for months and targeted daily by Russian forces. This investigation, entrusted to the gendarmes of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH), will aim to determine the circumstances of the death of this French journalist.

Just under 24 hours after the death of AFP journalist Arman Soldin near Bakhmut, Ukraine, the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office has opened a war crimes investigation.

Europe 1 with AFP 19:05 p.m., May 10, 2023

Just under 24 hours after the death of AFP journalist Arman Soldin near Bakhmut, Ukraine, the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office opened a war crimes investigation.

An investigation was opened Wednesday for war crimes after the death Tuesday in Ukraine of AFP journalist Arman Soldin, said the national anti-terrorism prosecutor. This investigation, entrusted to the gendarmes of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH), will aim to determine the circumstances of the death of this French journalist born in Sarajevo, killed Tuesday at the age of 32 by a salvo of Grad rockets near Bakhmut, epicenter of fighting for months and targeted daily by Russian forces.

>> More information to follow