Teller Report

What do students, schools and employers think

5/9/2023, 1:25:25 AM

Highlights: Yanbi, a passive option often linked to negative factors such as insufficient ability and poor health, has now become an active choice for some students. Some schools stipulate that students who voluntarily extend their graduation must participate in the blind review of papers, rather than deciding according to the lottery. Before applying for the extension, everyone should think about whether they can accept the possible consequences of the extension. For most current students, especially those with little internship experience, there may be deviations in what they want to do and what they can do.

If it is to lie flat, to experience one more year of student life, to avoid employment, in order to follow the trend, but there is actually no plan, then there is no need to postpone. Half a point (Teacher, Department of Business and Human Resource Management, Hangzhou Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University): It is best not to postpone the completion Students applying for the extension of the course should comprehensively consider many factors.

With one month to go before the graduation season, students are preparing for the upcoming fork in the road in life: some choose to go to graduate school and continue their studies; Some go to work and start the identity transformation from students to social people; Others apply for a postponement of graduation and press the pause button for their progress in life.

For students who voluntarily graduate, the requirements of each school are different. It is understood that some schools do not allow students to apply for extension for any reason other than physical reasons; Some schools stipulate that students who voluntarily extend their graduation must participate in the blind review of papers, rather than deciding according to the lottery; In other schools, students who voluntarily graduate will lose their eligibility to be rated as "outstanding graduates".

Yanbi, a passive option often linked to negative factors such as insufficient ability and poor health, has now become an active choice for some students. So, what is the impact of proactive extension on personal development? What do students, universities and employers who have had the experience of actively extending their careers think?

Niu Li (applying for extension in the second year of graduate school): Have a chat with industry seniors

If you are studying to get better job opportunities, it is best to talk to senior teachers in the industry to understand the employment situation, career development path and current position of your own ability in the target industry. The most important thing is to measure your ability to withstand financial and psychological pressures, work hard to achieve enough goals during the year, and take the risk of falling after failure.

If it is to lie flat, to experience one more year of student life, to avoid employment, in order to follow the trend, but there is actually no plan, then there is no need to postpone.

Jiang Yun (applying for Yanbi in the second year of graduate school): Possible consequences of accepting Yanbi

Yanbi is just a choice of direction, and in the final analysis, it is necessary to know what you want to do and what you want to do. However, this is one of the most difficult problems for young people. With the help of external forces, you may be able to help you make your choice. For example, if you are worried about the impact of the application extension on employment in the coming year, students can ask a career guidance teacher, or consult the relevant person in charge of enterprise recruitment on the Internet.

After the extra time, life has more possibilities, but with it comes uncertainty. Before applying for the extension, everyone should think about whether they can accept the possible consequences of the extension, whether they can stick to their original intention and make full use of the time to achieve the goal.

Half a point (Teacher, Department of Business and Human Resource Management, Hangzhou Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University): It is better not to extend the completion without extension

Students applying for extension should consider a variety of factors. For example, will the extension have an impact on degree certificates and graduation certificates? Can the application be approved by the school? Are you ready to take risks if a suitable job opportunity arises during your graduation period, but you have not yet received your degree certificate and diploma and can only miss it?

I think it's better for students not to finish or not. For most current students, especially those with little internship experience, there may be deviations in what they want to do and what they can do. Without trying, students' judgments about job suitability may not be accurate. What's more, June is the graduation season, and the autumn recruitment begins in September. Is it really necessary to pay such a big price to participate in the recruitment in a few months?

Wang Dongliang (Deputy Party Secretary and Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University): Consider many factors

Students need to consider a number of factors when choosing whether to extend or not. This includes personal circumstances such as physical health, family status, personal development plans, etc.; Academic status, including learning progress, academic performance, thesis progress, etc.; Employment status, such as job market, personal employment planning, career development; School policies, including policies for deferred graduation, application process, application deadlines, etc.

In addition, whether the postponement of graduation will affect your future planning, such as whether it will affect the development of further education, employment, etc., are important considerations.

Li Ke (HR of a company with 20 years of work): Yanbi may still be a minus

Whether it is an active application or a passive choice, Yanbi is a minus in the eyes of many employers. Some people may want to accumulate more internship experience and prepare for better jobs in the future, but in the eyes of some employers, this is a manifestation of insufficient planning ability; Some people want to give themselves a respite, but the employer is likely to think that your stress resistance is insufficient.

During the interview, candidates also have the opportunity to explain that Yanbi is not a passive choice due to insufficient ability. In most cases, many candidates who have had a long experience are brushed off at the resume screening stage, whether they are active or passive, and there is no opportunity to explain. At present, it is true that some companies do not care much about whether the candidate is delayed when hiring. However, if the two candidates have similar conditions, one voluntarily graduated and the other graduated normally, most companies will prefer the latter.

Zhang Jing (senior HR of a company): First find a suitable and affordable job

Taking the initiative to extend is likely to be an escape, they do not want or dare to face society. Some students feel that the knowledge is not enough to learn again, and the internship is not enough to save again, but the knowledge and ability are never capped. How much knowledge do you need to match the role you want to go to? Can an extra internship give you more advantages? If the target industry values internship experience, then for students who choose to extend because the internship experience is basically zero, I can only say that they seem to take the initiative to extend it, but they are actually forced.

Under normal circumstances, I think students need to find a job that suits them and can take on the job and learn to support themselves. If the knowledge or ability of the target position is insufficient, students can first study in that position or similar position. If you can't go to the world's top 500 large enterprises, you can first go to a company with a platform that is not so good and master skills. In addition, you can also achieve your goals by entering a position that matches your ability first, and then applying for a transfer after you have accumulated enough experience.

(At the request of interviewees, except for Banfen and Wang Dongliang, the rest of the names in the article are pseudonyms)

Li Danping, trainee reporter of China Youth Daily Source: China Youth Daily