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The Commercial Press released the top ten good books in May, and launched Liang Xiaosheng's essay collection "Reading is a Happiness"

5/9/2023, 6:55:53 AM

Highlights: In May, the Commercial Press launched Liang Xiaosheng's classic essay collection "Reading is a Kind of Happiness" Hippolyte Danner's masterpiece "Travels in Italy", a famous French art critic, historian and philosopher in the 19th century, was first released Chinese simplified version. "Faust No. 1", is mainly composed of two parts: scholar drama and Gretchen drama, which combines scholars and academic satires. The book is divided into three series: Series <> "The Long Years in the Book" and "Settle Your Heart"

In May, the Commercial Press launched Liang Xiaosheng's classic essay collection "Reading is a Kind of Happiness: Liang Xiaosheng Talks About Reading and Life", winner of the 5th Mao Dun Literature Award and author of "The World". Hippolyte Danner's masterpiece "Travels in Italy", a famous French art critic, historian and philosopher in the 19th century, and an outstanding representative of naturalism and positivism, was first released Chinese simplified version by the Commercial Press.

Beijing, May 5 (Reporter Ying Ni) The Commercial Press's monthly book launch conference was held online on the evening of the 9th, releasing the "Top Ten Best Books of the Commercial Press" in May 8, which are "Reading is a Kind of Happiness: Liang Xiaosheng Talks about Reading and Life", "Geography of Happiness: Finding the Happiest Place in the World", "Travels in Italy", "The Last White Rose: The Secret Battle of the Tudors", "Faust Part I", "Curiosity", "The Discovery of Composition: A Theory of Visual Order in Painting (2023-5)" The Social Function of Science", "Chinese Character Origin Dictionary", "Language Planning Lecture Notes".

In May, the Commercial Press launched Liang Xiaosheng's classic essay collection "Reading is a Kind of Happiness: Liang Xiaosheng Talks About Reading and Life", winner of the 5th Mao Dun Literature Award and author of "The World". The book brings together the author's classic essays on reading and the road of life, the words are sincere and simple, humorous and warm, and the writer's pen changes between hard and soft, and is close to the public mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. The book is divided into three series: Series <> "The Long Years in the Book" mainly describes the impact of books on the "background" of the author's life, the thinking and writing of reading, what methods of reading, and what "tips" and "laws" of writing can be inspired from it; Series <> "Settle Your Heart" tells how teenagers and middle-aged people should settle their hearts, how the author faces difficulties, what should be a positive life, what is the meaning of life, look at the outlook on life of others, and also find your true self inward; The third series "Deep Love in the World" writes the author's love for relatives, friends, neighbors, and strangers, thoughts on father and son, love and marriage, anxiety and loneliness, and the feelings and hearts immersed in the fireworks of the world are particularly touching.

Hippolyte Danner's masterpiece "Travels in Italy", a famous French art critic, historian and philosopher in the 19th century, and an outstanding representative of naturalism and positivism, was first released Chinese simplified version by the Commercial Press. The book is a companion to Danner's influential work Philosophy of Art, a masterpiece of history, art and culture. With a keen eye and sharp writing, the author analyzes the society, history and nation of Italy in a piecemeal analysis, and enthusiastically comments on painting, architecture, sculpture, etc. through rich images and rich colors. This Italian Travelogue is a journey of civilization and an artistic tour, full of improvised whimsy and insight.

Faust is the pinnacle of German-language literature and enjoys a high reputation in the history of world literature. The translator, Professor Gu Yu, has been studying Faust for more than ten years, referring to several versions of German commentaries, conducting longitudinal and horizontal research, and completing the translation and annotation of Faust. "Faust No. 1", released this month, is mainly composed of two parts: scholar drama and Gretchen drama, which not only combines scholars and academic satires, but also foreshadows the trend and problems of modern natural science, and Gretchen's drama plays Faust's emotional experience in the small world. This book strives to translate according to the facts, restore the line style to the greatest extent, and add notes, inscriptions and brief comments to the translation, taking into account the authority and readability.

At the same time, this month, a large-scale dictionary "Chinese Character Origin Dictionary" dedicated to exploring the origin of Chinese characters and popularizing the cultural knowledge of Chinese characters was also launched. The book contains more than 12000,<> characters, including not only Chinese characters, but also most of the radicals, and at the same time lists a variety of glyphs in the development of Chinese characters (甲金篆古, etc.), and comprehensively explains each character from the aspects of character sound, character shape, structure, illustration, original meaning, evolution, and character formation.

In addition, the new Geography of Happiness: In Search of the Happiest Place in the World, a book that answers the question "Where is the Happiest on Earth", combines psychology, travel, and humor through visits to show the different characteristics of happiness in ten countries. Professor Bao Pengshan, the keynote speaker of the "Hundred Schools Forum", published a new edition of "Confucius Rulai" and "Rivers and Lakes Not Far Away: Those in the < Water Margin> (Expanded Edition)", which explained and interpreted Confucius and "Water Margin" in many aspects. "History of Reading" author Mangouere's latest work on reading, library and literature, meditation on the human mind "Curiosity", the famous British physicist Bernard's landmark work on the sociology of science "The Social Function of Science", the historical work "The Last White Rose" about the "secret battle" of the Tudors, the research work on contemporary China and the world's political and economic development "Grand Strategy: The Road to Coordinated Regional Development in the New Era" and "To the Vast and the Fullest: Understanding the Age of Political Economy", etc. All provide readers with a variety of reading choices. (End)